What has vitamin k

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Vitamin K is found in a number of foods, including leafy greens, cauliflower and liver. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-has-vitamin-k ]
More Answers to “What has vitamin k
What Has Vitamin K In It ?
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) is not Potassium, although this is a common mistake. It gets the K from the German scientists that discovered that it helped with “Koagulation.” It helps your blood to clot properly. The best dietary sour…
Where can i find vitamin k?
Vitamin K. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays an important role in blood clotting. The body can store fat-soluble vitamins in fatty tissue…
Why do We Need Vitamin K
Vitamin K is crucial for maintaining the normal production of prothrombin, a protein found in the blood plasma, which acts as a precursor of thrombin. Thrombin is the protein responsible for acting on the fibrinogen of blood and thereby, ca…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Has anyone decided not to give their child the eye drops, Vitamin K shot, and Hepatitis B shots? If so, why?
Q: I’ve done my research on everything as much as possible. I want to be an active parent and know what’s being done to my baby and why. I’m definitely planning on putting these procedures off for at least the first hour after birth, but I’m curious if anyone out there went without them all together. And, of course, the reasoning behind it. Thanks for sharing your experience!Really? How so?All of these procedures are voluntary.And I never said I *didn’t* plan on getting the shots. I see nothing wrong with being as educated about them as possible. I’m not just going to give something to my baby for no reason. That’s just silly.
A: I elected not to give my DD the vitamin K shot and the Hep B shot in the hospital. The main reason for the vitamin K shot is to start the clotting of the blodd, if you are breastfeeding the vitamens in the colustrum(what you have before your milk comes in) has natural vitamins that help with this process. I basically did not see why this was needed.We waited until our first well baby visit to get the Hep B shot. If you or the father do not not have hep b there is no reason to give it right after birth. It is not mandatory it is just routine, you can elect not give it to your child or not, just like you have the right to claim exemptions on not giving your child any vaccine. We mainly decided to wait becuase I did not feel it was right to anything more that what was needed after birth since they are so young and I did not want her body overwhelmed.Also what many people do not know is they never have to leave your sight. You can make the hospital staff clean the baby in the delivery room. It is not any harder for them to bring the cleaning stuff into the room and do it there, there is no reason for them to go to the nursery. That was the thing that annoyed me the most about the hospital staff, they didn’t seem to get the fact that I did not want to be seperated from my DD.
What food has Zinc in it, and Vitamin K?
Q: What food has Zinc in it, and Vitamin K?please answer! i stepped on a nail on sunday and its healing but i need it to heal faster! im going to camp on tuesday for 4 days and 3 nights! plz answer!!!! :)thankz
A: What Zinc and Vit K have to do with you stepped on a nail. You should have Tetanus shot!! If it was a “rusty nail” exposed to animal feces, you can get “lockjaw” from tetanus.Zinc is found in dark green vegetables (spinach and mustard greens) and Vit. K is found in meat products.
what food has Zinc in it, and Vitamin K?
Q: please answer! i stepped on a nail on sunday and its healing but i need it to heal faster! im going to camp on tuesday for 4 days and 3 nights! plz answer!!!! :)thankz
A: List of foods with Vit Khttp://www.drgourmet.com/md/warfarinbrief.pdfList of foods with Zinchttp://www.weightlossforall.com/foods-rich-zinc.htm
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