What else can you do to boost your immune system

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Eliminate white sugar and caffeine, eat extra protein, take herbal supplements, add lemon to your water or salad and get rest! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-else-can-you-do-to-boost-your-immune-system ]
More Answers to “What else can you do to boost your immune system
What else can you do to boost your immune system?
Control Stress – learn to identify and minimize stresses in your life. Begin and Enjoy Exercise – moving your joints and muscles increases metabolism and substantially increases immune function. Get restful sleep. Are you waking up refres…
What else can I do to boost my immune system??
Since your weakened immune system may cause you to lose weight or suffer from diarrhea, a diet high in protein and total calories can help you keep your weight up. Smoking marijuana, which in some locales is legal for people with AIDS, may …
How else to boost immune system – what am I missing?
An immune system that is never challenged will always be weak. The more that he is exposed to, the stronger it will be. Stop giving him antibiotics and other medicines. Let him be exposed to plenty of outdoor air, pollens, and smoke. This w…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What else boosts your immune system besides onions?
A: Eating fresh foods rich in antioxidants A, C, E and Zinc selenium and those rich in the EFA’s (essential fatty acids) will all boost your immune system and function best together ♥ie ~ Vitamin A ~ liver, dark green and yellow vegies, carotts, pumpkin and yellow fruits;Without enough Vitamin A in your system no amount of potions or lotion will ever give you that rosy glow. Vitamin A will also work to protect the mucosal linings of your ear nose and throat ♥Vitamin C ~ citrus fruits such as lemons, limes and oranges, strawberries and blackberries, leafy and green vegies, red and green peppers and tomatoes and potatoes.Vitamin C extends life by enabling protein cells to bind together and also aids in preventing many types of viruses and bacterial infections.Vitamin E ~ wheat germ, vegetable oils (olive oil), nuts, leafy and green vegies, spinach broccoli, whole wheat, whole grain cereals and eggs.vitamin E will keep you looking younger by retarding cellular aging due to oxidation (by plumping out those lines and extending the life of your cells) and also protect your lungs against air pollution by working with vitamin A.Selenium ~ seafood, liver, wheat germ, bran, tuna fish, onions, tomatoes, broccoli, garlic and brown rice.Selenium works in tandem with vitamin E thus they increase each others potency. selenium is another antioxidant that will slow the aging process for you.Zinc ~ essential for protein synthesis and collagen formation.Zinc also increases the power of vitamin C ten fold ♥foods rich in zinc are ~ meat, liver, seafood (especially oysters), wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, eggs and ground mustard.Pump up your fresh filtered water intake on a daily basis too to hydrate your body properly and plump up your skin and maintain your health, youth and vitality…… you need at least 2 – 3 litres of water per day. Geez, we need at 2 litres daily just to maintain aspiration (to breath!!)……….. :0)Also try to cut back on B complex vitamin thieves such as caffeine, tea, sodas and soft drinks and alcohol if you drink any as they will also dehydrate you terribly.Take a multi B complex supplement also,particularly if you are lactose intolerant or vegetarian ~ get one including all the B’s ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12…… as they all work best as a group…. Don’t buy any of the B complex of vitamins individually unless specifically instructed to do so by a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath ♥The whole and natural food will always be the most nutritious and easiest to assimilate ♥Other things that will rob you of your precious B complex of vitamins are ~ antiobiotics, antidepressants, laxatives and diuretics, otc cold and flu meds ……………… when we’re under stress our B vitamins will be depleted first hun so bolster your immune, digestive and neural system by taking a B complex supplement ♥take care of you & hope i helped a bit ♥CHEERS♥
How else to boost immune system – what am I missing?
Q: Two years ago my son now age 7 had lyme disease and prolonged use of antibiotics. Since then during winter he catches everything and anything that comes his way. I know about probiotics, he eats activia yogurt plus chewable acidopholis. I even make fresh orange juice with fresh oranges to avoid loss of nutrients from pasteurization. This child doesn’t like poor quality foods like candy or junk foo, he’d eat a bowl of brocolli or spinach instead of a doughnut or cookie. We avoid refined carbs and sugars from sweets to bring his resistance down. Just fruit sugars he recieves and carbs like oatmeal or cheerios for bfast. He likes chicken broth and has that alot the moment the sniffle or sneeze starts. We also do echinacea tea and honey. He feels fine and acts great but still he is sick every other week with something else. He is never exposed to any smoke or household chemicals. He has no asthma or allergies. I am an extremist when it comes to good air quality in the house. Another new head cold with watery eyes and sneezes started today with a fever of 102 after a healthy week, two weeks ago he just got over pneumonia, he has had pink eye, and a few other colds. The Doctors say its the time of year and kids get everything at a young age like this but does anyone else think it means his immune system is still weak from lyme and the antibiotics? He never ever had any illness as a baby, maybe one cold if any or til about age 5 which is when he had the lyme disease so something happened about that time unless it really is as simple as school aged children? I don’t think anyone else misses this much school though.I don’t give him medicine, not even for pink eye, he fights everything off fast, they are just too frequent that he comes down with them. He had to have antibiotics as the lyme progressed so badly into joints and nerves. I don’t do cold or cough meds I am aware they are not safe for children. I only do fever reducers for fear of worse complications from a high fever, he has reached up to 104 with lyme disease.i am big on not letting him have antibiotics . just for 30 days two years ago he did have them plus the dr. put him on a 5 dy for the pneumonia in one lung. His body fights everything off itself. I worry about making him resistant to meds so I do avoid them.
A: An immune system that is never challenged will always be weak. The more that he is exposed to, the stronger it will be. Stop giving him antibiotics and other medicines. Let him be exposed to plenty of outdoor air, pollens, and smoke. This will toughen up his lungs and sinuses and make him less sickly.I am serious! Imagine if you kept him in a germ-free, pollutant-free plastic bubble until he was 21, then let him out. His immune system wouldn’t be able to handle the sudden influx of germs, and he would die very quickly. Remember, what doesn’t kill him will make him stronger!
What is the best vitamin supplement or other herb to take to boost your immune system?
Q: During cold season one sees a lot of herbal supplements or other “miracle” pills to help ward off colds and other sicknesses. Vitamin C pills seem to work okay, but does anyone else have a suggestion? Personal experience?
A: Echinacea, also known as purple coneflower, is an herb that strengthens the body’s ability to fight infection. It is an immune system stimulant that increases one’s ability to eliminate invading bacteria. Echinacea also stimulates the lymphocytes.
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