What food has the most protein content

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What food has the most protein content”,you can compare them.

Actually Arby’s Coffee has 80g of Protein. Something with more nutritional value is Duck with 48g of protein. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-food-has-the-most-protein-content ]
More Answers to “What food has the most protein content
What foods contain protein?
The foods that contain the highest amounts of protein are meat and dairy products. One ounce of meat contains 7 grams of protein and 1 cup of milk or yogurt contains 8 grams of protein. Other foods like peanut butter, soymilk, tofu and bean…
Can you tell me what is the highest protein content food?
Josh, let me take a shot at this. Unfortunately, this could actually come to a draw, because you both are kind of right but also both wrong. If I sound like a Zen Buddhist monk, my apologies. This will make more sense in a minute. The good …
How to Find Out Protein Content in a Food
・ 1 Read the nutritional label on the food packaging. Packaged foods usually have a nutritional label which… ・ 2 Visit the Untied States Department of Agriculture’s national nutrient online database (see Resources… ・ 3 Click on the circ…

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which food has the highest protein content?
Q: I eat hard boiled eggs and I’ve started eating tuna because of it’s protein content, is there another food I am missing out on, also I heard that tuna has the highest levels of Mercury than any other fish, If I eat tuna every other day, can I ingest a toxic level of Mercury?
A: Any level of mercury is toxic, and this is one of the main sources of cancer.Also, there are many false opionions regarding protein. I think you will find this page interesting.Cultural Propaganda on Protein Consumptionhttp://dgwa1.fortunecity.com/body/protien.html
I need a food protein content chart. Eg, how much protein is in a handful of almonds, 100 grams of beef, etc.?
Q: I’ve read that I need such-and-such amount of protein, and I know which foods contain protein, but I can’t find a comprehensive metric table of how much protein is in various measures of protein foods.
A: http://healthyeatingclub.com/info/books-phds/books/foodfacts/html/data/data2d.html#nutsGrilled 130gm fillet steak has 28gm protein per 100gms.5 walnuts (20gms) has 11 gms protein per 100gms.This sort of thing? My daughter used it when she got pregnant.
Does method of cooking food alter protein content?
Q: I am eating protein-rich foods to supplement weight-lifting to build muscle? Does the method of preparation of say, chicken breast alter its protein content in the end? Baking? Sauteeing(in HQ olive oil)?or grilling?
A: no, from my understanding it doesnt alter
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