What Good exercise tips to increase weight loss

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The goal of exercise for weight loss is to burn more calories, although exercise offers many other benefits as well. How many MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-good-exercise-tips-to-increase-weight-loss ]
More Answers to “What Good exercise tips to increase weight loss
Is it better to exercise before or after you eat… also does wal…?
definitly eat AFTER you exercise if you do so before then you might end up throwing up unless you eat at least a half hour before so your body needs to have digested the food if you are still digesting it when your body goes under stress fr…

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Need weight loss tips! I get home from work really late. I want to lose pounds and inches, any ideas?
Q: I just had a baby 8 months ago and my weight is way out there. I want to lose weight and exercise, but unfortunately my weight keeps me from being able to do the exercises I used to do (aerobics). What are some exercises I can begin with and then moderately increase? Also it is hard to just stop eating everything, what is a good way to begin slowly so that I don’t give up easily on my new life style change.
A: Walking is a great beginning workout. Just getting into the habit of getting consistant exercise by walking 3 times a week for 30 minutes is a start. Later, when this becomes second nature, you can dial up the intensity with a good Couch to 5K program that will have you running 3 miles in the span of 10 weeks. I used the one at coolrunning, but now I’m training towards a 10K with Sarkpeople. Spark also has diet and nutrition resources, is free, and has great message boards and articles to find answers to your questions.Starting slowly is the method I recommend. If you try to take on too much too soon, you are more likely to feel overwhelmed and stop the program. Easing into a lifestyle change is the way to go.
Tips for weight loss…?
Q: What are some of your best weight loss tips? Im trying to lose about 20lbs but I don’t want a “diet” I want to watch what I eat and I honestly don’t have time for exercise. I stay so busy. I work online, plus I homeschool my 2 kids. (One of them have a type of autism) I do eat out a lot!! What are some good choices at fast food chains? What are some good tips I can use during the day….. Im gonna try and increase my water also. I would love to find a message board I can post on with my food intake everyday and people can read it and post on it if they want.
A: um buy jolly ranchers or fire balls and suck on them throughout the day b/c they are low calorie and low fat if not fat free. They are a good substitute for snacking…plus if you eat a fire ball then your mouth is a little “on fire” and it really suppresses your appetite b/c after you have not taste for cookies or cakes or whatever you snack on 😉
Multiple weight loss questions? [helpful/serious answers only, please]?
Q: Is it unhealthy to go down from 122 pounds (I have a poor self-image) to 105ish (seeing as 107 would be normal for my height (five foot three inches), two pounds won’t make a big difference, underweight or not) with moderate dieting and exercise? I’m going to see in I can get onto track and field so I can tone my thighs and maybe feel better (5’3 and 122 pounds is not supposed to be this…flabby, I think it’s because I’m more fat than muscle [note: I’ve already lost 20 pounds since this summer, I was 140 pounds, I have nooo clue what I did. >.> It just suddenly came off. I think it was because I was eating better and moving more, but I wasn’t exercising, just moving more. But prior to losing weight I ate really bad, which I’ve now stopped doing]). So that’s about 15 pounds (sound easy but it’s not, right? XD) to lose (I want to reduce the amount of muscle lost and increase the amount of fat burned, any tips?), can I do this or will my health be severely affected? (I’d rather be fat than dead @____@) I have no medical problems, no surgery and I barely ever get sick.Just because this post was really confusing, here are the questions I’m asking;` Is it unhealthy for an African parent-born (like they’re immigrants from Africa and not “black” (ugh, I hate that term), or does that not matter? :x), 5’3”, 122 pound teenage girl to go down from 122 pounds to 105ish with diet and exercise?` Will my health be affected? Or will I be fine? Or does it depend?` How can I lose fat and NOT muscle?` Can it be lost before summer? (nudgeyes?nudge :D)` Any other tips that you think will help?PS: if it helps with answering, I have a “small” frame (skinny wrist really :P, when I wrap my thumb and middle finger around it, they overlap but that constitutes as a small frame I guess).PPS: Before I actually lose weight I’m going to try toning up. Maybe all the jiggly-ness is what makes me so insecure, but still answer my questions please, just in case toning doesn’t help.PPPS: I knwo the basic dieting tips. eight eight fl oz of water a day, four cups of green tea, no junk food or soda (yuck), exercise etc etc, so I don’t need things like that.[I’m sorry if I sound like one of those annoying teenage girls obsessed with their weight. It gets annoying after a while answering questions like this. ._____.]
A: HellooNow thats a loooong and a confusing question, but thanks for providing a summary of your questions. First of all your BMI is around 21 which is very very healthy (healthy range is between 18.5 – 24.9) losing another 17 pounds will keep you on the tip, thats a BMI of 18.5. I wouldn’t recommend you to lose so much of weight that you go on the verge of being underweight. As for burning fat, I have the perfect solution for you which is high intense interval training. Let me tell you the difference between conventional cardio workouts and interval training; cardio like brisk walking and jogging for ten mins or more at a certain speed, will increase your metabolic rate and burn fat while you exercise and it will stop once you stop your workout and your body starts burning sugar which goes on for 2 days and you lose your muscles, but interval training works the other way round, you dont burn fat while exercising but burn only sugar and you start burning fat once you’re done with your workout, and the process will go on for 24 – 48 hours! this is the best method to lose fat without losing muscles. Do some research about interval training and its benefits on the internet. Youtube has got nice workouts. I suggest you don’t lessen your caloric intake but eat well and go for this training. do it every other day for best results. still confused? email me! good luck 🙂
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