What helps digestion

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What helps digestion”,you can compare them.

Drink water. Water dilutes toxins in food and provides a medium for elimination. Sip a glass of water with your meals. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-helps-digestion ]
More Answers to “What helps digestion
What can help digestion?
Digestion depends on how many calories you are taking and how many calories your body requires. If you are taking excess calories your body will not digest it properly. Another reason is disturbance in your body metabolic activities that me…
What Is Digestion?
Digestion basically is the method of metabolism where by a biological body processes matter, in an effort to chemically and mechanically alter the matter for the body to utilize. In humans, digestion starts of in the oral cavity where matte…
How does the appendix help with your digestion?
The appendix is an offshoot of the first part of the large intestine and therefore in good position to destroy bacteria (which are present in large numbers in the intestine) it therefore prevents this bacteria from getting outside the intes…

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is it true that if you have a warm drink with food it helps digestion?
Q: if thats so then does cold drink slow down digestion?
A: Yes, it is true. When the food is in the stomach etc. and you drink a cold beverage it makes fats jell and slows down metabolism and changes what your body is supposed to do. Tea and hot chocolate are you new favorite drinks. And you are drinking them to be healthy. Your lucky day. 8>}
What kind of dog food is best for a dog that farts alot? Anything thats helps his digestion?
Q: I have a pit bull, and im not sure if its just the breed or my dog, he doesnt get fed people food. Ive tried a few dog food brands (pedigree dry and wet food and science diet) and he farts SO much. Hes an indoor dog so the farting is an issue when i have guests over for dinner. Anyone have any suggestions?He and my husband are the loves of my life. Hes our baby and keeps me from feeling lonely while my husband is in Iraq. Money isnt an issue. I just dont want him not feeling well. Im sure hes not very comfortable feeling gassy all the time 🙂
A: Add a smidgeon of baking soda to the dog food every time you feed him. This will take care of the gas and also sooth the stomach.
Explain how the structure of a villus helps absorption of the products of digestion?
Q: ..plz let me understand before the teacher explain to us i want to get a good marks.>>>And explain what it does “and can the body absorb without it.capillary for where does it transport glucose “for the blood stream i think … but the lacteal where does it transfer … plz explain to me both the capillary and lacteal
A: -In addition to the previous answer,*The villus has the epithelial layer “epithelium” which allows the passage of digested food stuffs to the blood vessels & lacteal vessel in each villus. *This layer has micro villi to help increase surface area of absorption.*Epithelial cells may engulf fat molecules by phagocytosis & fat droplets that are formed by the re-union of glycerol & fatty acids.- The main adaptation of villus is the large surface area for absorption.* Folds appear to the naked eye* Villi appear under the light microscope *Micro villi appear under the electron microscope.
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