What is a good dietary supplement that actually works

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is a good dietary supplement that actually works”,you can compare them.

Consider Fish Oil. Research shows that Omega 3 fatty acids have a very positive effect on inflammatory response, cardiovascular health, protection from stroke and heart attack, brain function. There is also less of a chance of certain disorders and cancers. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-a-good-dietary-supplement-that-actually-works ]
More Answers to “What is a good dietary supplement that actually works
What dietary supplement out there actually works for muscle growt…?
Protein after your workout: ProNos protein powder Endurance and increased strength: Amplified Creatine 189 pills You can find both of these at GNC. PS No sports supplement is FDA approved, there’s way too many for them to worry about it.
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hey man, only thing about supplements are that you may want to ask a doctor before taking them. They work differently with different people like hydroxycut i know made my brothers fiance go to the hospital because it made her sick. but that…
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Q: I read all these magazines and they all have tons of supplements in them and claim that their product is the best on the market but the caveat is that at the bottom of the page the fda has not approved the claims of these manufacturing companies. WHAT WILL HONESTLY GIVE ME THE WEIGHT AND MUSCLE GAINS THAT I SEEK?Like creatine or protein. No steroids. Is creatine a steroid?Also, which is better, free weight or the machine or does it matter?
A: Protein after your workout: ProNos protein powderEndurance and increased strength: Amplified Creatine 189 pillsYou can find both of these at GNC.PS No sports supplement is FDA approved, there’s way too many for them to worry about it.
Does the Mega-T Green Tea Dietary Supplement actually work ?
Q: how does it work what do you have to do for it to work?
A: im not sure if Mega-T Green Tea Dietary Supplement works but green tea has alot of antioxidants in it and also has fat burning enzymes and kick starts your metabolism so they would probably work. but it would be cheaper to just drink green tea each day.http://chinesefood.about.com/library/weekly/aa011400a.htm
How do you know which supplement actually works?
Q: With all the different dietary supplements for muscle gain out there and the fact that they all claim to be able to give you the best results, which ones actually do what they say they can do?Any positive experiences or insider information would be great.
A: when ou take supplements you have to put in the hard work as well. eg, 30g Redback Whey protein mix, 30g pure carbs, 1tsp growling dog creatine, mixed in with 500g of trim milk. my husband is an amatuer bodybuilder and he takes approx 5 protein drinks a day. measure your food and ensure you get the best quality meat. also train hard and clean diet.
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