What is blue agave

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Blue Agave is a smooth-leafed succulent plant (a cactus type plant with no needles) native to Mexico often used to make tequila. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-blue-agave ]
More Answers to “What is blue agave
Agave tequilana, commonly called Blue agave or tequila agave, is an agave plant that is an important economic product of Jalisco state in Mexico due to its role as the base ingredient of tequila, a popular distilled spirit. The tequila agav…
The blue agave looks like the aloe vera, with dusty blue-grey and long spiny leaves sprouting directly from the ground. However, on closer examination, you will find that the leave of the agave is not plump with juices like that of the aloe…
Agave tequilana Weber, blue variety is one of the 136 species of agave that grow in Mexico. Its distribution around the coutry is likely due to the migrations of ethnic groups that domesticated it during the course of centuries. The Swedish…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Planting a blue agave cactus?
Q: I bought a good sized blue agave today for $80 and have never had one before. I understand they dont need much water, since i’m in humid Houston TX, only to water once a month. How about planting them? I understand I need to put it on a high spot to allow the water to drain off, and put rock underneath it and around it for drainage? Any other advice? What about fertilizer? I couldn’t find much info on the web for these things.
A: Must be a big Agave for $80. They don’t need much water after they are established, new roots begin to grow into the soil, so it would be best not to let this big plant dry out to much. Especially if you are lacking in rain this summer, the main thing an Agave will do is scorch in the hot sun when they are newly planted, so make sure the soil is moist for at least a month. These are slow growing plants, so it will take alittle while for the roots to start attaching themselves to the new soil around it. Fertilize it with a 10-5-10, once a month until fall. Water in the mornings and water deep to the roots. Do not put rock under the plant if you are planting it in the ground or pot, it is not needed, Agave’s can grow in pretty bad soil, they are native to Mexico, I would try to use the same soil as Mexico has. I guess you know Tequila is made with the Agave plant. Give your plant plenty of space to grow and don’t plant it where thereis a lot of people traffic. The common name for the Agave is Century plant, after it blooms it dies, but it takes a long time to bloom, if you have any pups[baby plants] grow from the mother plant, you can take them off and plant them too. Hope I helped you alittle.
Where can I buy a tequila aka agave/blue agave plant for my indoor home?
Q: I want a agave plant for my home. I just enjoy the history and the fact tequila is made from it. Could I maintain this catus like plant in my home? And if so where could I buy such plant? Any websites?
A: The first site offers a “mix” of Agave seeds – 100 seeds for $3.00 + 3.75 s&h – but does indicate a $10.00 minimum order. If interested, scroll down past the ads.Second link has a member of davesgarden.com that wants to trade his Agave – didn’t look to see what he wants in return…his post is from yesterday, real good image and he does have contact info.Third link, wikipedia.org, has some very interesting reading about the plant.Fourth link is a site that sells bare root Agave plants.So, I hope at least one of these links will lelp you out!
Is mexican blue agave nectar good or bad for you?
Q: Ive heard multiple opinions and theories but is there a law that mandates the information on the bottle has to be correct? whats your opinion of agave nectar as opposed to table sugar? I don’t know what to think. Thanks.
A: i like it. its what they make tequila out of
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