When you gain weight where does it go

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “When you gain weight where does it go”,you can compare them.

In men, excess fat is usually concentrated in the abdominal and waist areas,women carry excess fat in their hips, thighs and butt. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/when-you-gain-weight-where-does-it-go ]
More Answers to “When you gain weight where does it go
Not all weight is “water weight.” Water weight is fluid that is retained in your cells- generally in your fat cells. They’re more like grapes than raisins. When you first start “dieting” your flush out all that extra flu…
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Birth control pills do not make you fat. Some people do gain weight on the Pill, an average of 5 pounds, but some people lose weight. It is hard to tell if your weight will be affected until you are taking the Pill.
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First of all, not everyone gains weight. Some people are able to keep their weight down when they quit smoking. And if you do gain a little weight, it’s still better than smoking: A few extra pounds can be lost later. Serious damage to your…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Survey: When you gain weight, where does most of it tend to go?
Q: When you gain weight/if you were to gain weight, where does most of it tend to go?a) stomach and bootyb) arms, chest and stomachc) hips, thighs, and bootyd) evenly all over, except for the stomach
A: A. My stupid stomach! not so much the booty though, that sucks! It’s retarded cuz I’m skinny every where else but my stomach. Time for crunches =)
When you gain weight where does most of it tend to go?
Q: Your stomach? Your face? Your bum? Your thighs? Your arms?
A: Your stomach, expecially if you are above 30 years old. My doctor told me you can help this situation if you work out. cardio plus weights.
When different people gain weight, why does the weight go to different places?
Q: One of my friends has a tiny torso but huge butt and thighsThe other one has huge boobs and a belly but skinny legsWhy does weight go to different places on different people?
A: In normal condition the distribution is equal but as you know there is no such thing as normal , so if the part of the body is exercised then it will have less fat there and more mussels.I hope this answers your Q?
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