What is carbohydrates primary function

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The primary function of carbohydrates is for short-term energy storage. Have another question? ChaCha is here for you! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-carbohydrates-primary-function ]
More Answers to “What is carbohydrates primary function
What is Carbohydrate primary function?
Carbohydrates primary function is energy. If we eat too much carbohydrate our body will store it for later use.
What is the function of carbohydrates?
The major function of carbohydrates is energy-storage molecules
What Are Carbohydrates Used for in the Body?
Carbohydrates come in two different forms. Simple carbs get digested quickly, and complex carbs get digested slowly. Together, they are responsible for a lot of actions in the body.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the primary function of carbohydrates?
Q: a) to break down moleculesb) to supply the body with energyc) to regulate the flow of chymed) to aid in digestion
A: b
The primary function of carbohydrates is?
Q: A) to maintain a large storehouse og glycogenB) energy production within cellsC) to form functional molecules likes hemoglobin and cytochromesD) to contribute to cell structure
A: Carbohydrate is a very general term. Most organic molecules are carbohydrates. They are used in very many ways. I can think of huge examples for all your choices above, so my answer is “E” all of the above.
What are the primary functions of carbohydrates?
A: It depends on which type you mean. Carbohydrates is a large group of organic molecules.Storage carbohydrates: Starch is a plant storage polysaccharide that is composed entirely of glucose joined by @1-4 glycoside linkages. amylose is the simplest form of starch. amylopectin is more complex and is branched. Glycogen is an animal starch stored in the liver and muscles of vertebrates. It is more highly branched than amylopectin. Structural carbohydrates: Cellulose and chitin are examples of structural polysaccharides.Cellulose is the most abundant organic compound on earth. It is made of glucose, like starch, but they differ in the type of 1-4 linkage. Instead of an @ linkage as in starch cellulose contains a B 1-4 linkage.This causes the polysaccharide to take on a step arrangement and not a linear one like in starch.Enzymes find it difficult to brake the B 1-4 linkage.
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