What is good nutrition foods

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is good nutrition foods”,you can compare them.

Fish, poultry, nuts, and beans, whole grains, healthy fats from plant oils, nuts and fish; lots of vegetables and fruits, milk. Avoid processed foods; eat moderate quantities, watch alcohol consumption, drink plenty of water, and get adequate rest! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-good-nutrition-foods ]
More Answers to “What is good nutrition foods
What is a good breakfast? children and nutrition, healthy foods, …?
A balanced breakfast is a good breakfast and includes fruit, whole-grain foods, and a source of protein.
Many patients ask us about getting the proper amount of vitamins and minerals in their diet. Often, they have been told that you don’t really need to take supplements because you can get all the nutrition in the food we eat. That’s a great …
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is there a good search engine I can use to find nutrition facts on basic foods?
Q: I’ve been searching for some basic foods and it is so hard to find! is their just one site I can go to and simply type in a food and get a chart of its nutrition facts?
A: this is my favorite site for that:www.calorieking.com – Food DatabaseThey have pretty much EVERYTHING in there including fast food and a lot of sit down restaurants.
How many grams of each nutritional amount listed under nutrition facts on foods is considered good?
Q: I am trying to make it more of a habit to read food labels. Understanding what is considered high, low, average, good, bad, etc. for most nutritional amounts can help me to better understand what is going into my body. What is considered a good number of grams per serving for carbohydrates, sodium, fats, and protein?
A: It depends really. You want to intake about 1.5 grams of carbohydrates for every 1 gram of protein. The closer to that ratio you can get the better. The percentages beside every nutrient is based on a 2000 calorie a day diet. If you consider your self to be of average hieght and weight, then the percentages are what you should go by. As for high, low, average, good, bad amounts, you need to look at good or bad nutrient. Like fats for instance, there are good fats that your body needs. Some vitamins are fat saluable, i.e. they can’t be transported throughout the body unless they have a fatty solution to move in. For instance, eating a salad with fat free dressing, or no dressing is counter productive in a sence. Just a couple of tips, stay away from High fructose corn syrups, or any sugar delivered as a syrup. You want to eat things that are higher in fiber like oatmeal as well.The 1.5 to 1 ratio dosen’t mean you should only eat one type of food. If you eat a pasta dinner, compensate your carb-protein ratio by eating peanut butter. Just keep count of your calories for the day.
Tell me some foods with good nutrition?
Q: and other foods with poor nutrition, I’m trying 2 keep healthy 4 now on
A: In general, you should include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins in your daily diet. When we tried to eat healthier in our home, we got a power juicer and made fresh juice every day. We felt GREAT drinking the real fruit juice, but it took us at least a half hour each time to juice because you have to clean the fruit, peel/cut/de-core/de-pit the fruit, make the juice, and then clean all the parts. We quit after a month since it took so much time. Then about 5 months ago, a friend turned us on to Mona Vie. It is a concentrated fruit blend (19 fruits and berries) that you drink as shots. We have fallen in love with it!!! You get the same energy boost as eating fresh fruits or drinking fresh fruit juice, but it is SUPER EASY! It comes in a bottle that looks like a wine bottle. You just chill it in the fridge and drink as shots once or twice per day. 1 oz is equivalent to 3-5 servings of fruit. If you want more info, you can go to www.thesuperfruitblend.com or email me with any questions. If you like it, I can show you how to get the bottles at wholesale cost.
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