What is the best food for speeding up the metabolism

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best food for speeding up the metabolism”,you can compare them.

Rolled oats can be made with whey protein and flaxmeal in the morning to spike your metabolism! ChaCha for more! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-food-for-speeding-up-the-metabolism ]
More Answers to “What is the best food for speeding up the metabolism
What are some good foods to help speed up your metabolism??
Aside from eating constantly (every 2-3 hours), a large dietary effect on metabolism will come from how quickly you digest the calories you eat. The over-all goal from a metabolism-increasing diet should to be to keep your body digesting co…
What are the best foods to help speed up metabolism??
There are several foods that help speed up metabolism. The two people before me were correct: Eating green vegetables and hot peppers do speed up your metabolism, especially the latter. But some people can not stomach spicy foods, and too m…
What foods are better if you are trying to speed up your metaboli…?
dont use weight loss stuff. just cut out fast foods n eat lots of whole weat, vegetables, fruit, n meat. that along wit good exercise like lots of cardio ull drop weight. IDK about 100lbs thats a pretty big number. ull prolly loose a good a…

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What is a food that will speed metabolism up ?
Q: I need to lose about 30 … I look fine now but its really bothering me .Well I don’t have treadmill and no diet pills or anything like because I’m 13. I just need to know if any food will make my metabolism majorly speed up ? I drink fuze alot it says it helps does it ?
A: At 13, you shouldn’t be dieting at all….just watching your calories, eat healthier meals…I know at that age it is very hard, cause usually you are “strapped” to what your parents want to feed you….but what you do, when they make your plate, take the plate, and split the plate in half. Put the other half in a tupper ware/plastic container, and save it for tomorrow’s lunch/dinner :)No….don’t feed it to the dogs..lol.But yea, green tea will help, again I won’t recommend a supplement…but green tea does come in pill form, but at 13, you are too young to go that route…most stores will not even sell them to young looking kids I don’t think….
Is it true that spicy food speeds up your metabolism?
Q: I heard that eating spicy food speeds up your metabolism. Is that true?
A: No, it is not true.
which are the best foods for speeding up metabolism?
A: Check out this article. It tells you what foods to eat to kick your metabolism into high gear.
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