What is the best way to burn calories without exercising

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best way to burn calories without exercising”,you can compare them.

Find other ways to keep moving, such as using the stairs instead of an elevator, mowing with a push mower, walking or biking. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-burn-calories-without-exercising ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to burn calories without exercising
What’s the best way to calculate the calories I burn during exerc…?
It really depends on how much you weigh and how much muscle mass vs. fat that you have. www.msn.com has some great calculators in the health and fitness section though. They will give you an accurate estimate
What is best way to exercise to burn fat and calories??
There are more tips and info. How to lose weight naturally has been in debate for years. Some say low carb. Some say high carb. Some say it’s how much food. Some say it’s how much exercise. But none of these covers the whole picture. How to…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how many calories do you burn daily without exercising?
Q: at what rate does a person burn calories, how would you determine it for each individual?
A: Use the Daily Calorie Needs Calculator. Based on your age, sex and activity level, it will calculate how many calories you burn per day and give you a good idea of how much to eat.Daily Calorie Needs Calculator – http://www.straighthealth.com/pages/tools/caloriecalclb.html
what is the minimum amount of calories you can burn a day without doing anything?
Q: Do you know? You naturally burn calories even without exercise, so I was wondering if you don’t do anything, what is the amount of calories you will burn without doing anything that day?
A: That would be your BMR (basal metabolic rate).This is the amount of calories you burn a day without doing exercise and with just doing nothing (meaning just your normal daily bodily functions like breathing; sleeping; sweating; watching/reading; lazing around…..).The BMR depends on gender and your body weight. Males have higher BMR than females.Here’s a guide I’ve written to explain this BMR: http://www.perfect-body-toning.com/calories-burned-in-a-day.html
how can i burn 200-500 calories without exercising?
Q: i read before that 1 cup of green tea can burn 200 calories,is this true?and what else can do that?are there vitamins, minerals or herbs that can do that?
A: Do a good cleanup of ur home that should burn up at least 500 calories
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