What is the deficiency disease of vitamin A called

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Deficiency of vitamin A has no name, but it can cause night blindness, blindness, respiratory infections, and UTI. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-deficiency-disease-of-vitamin-a-called ]
More Answers to “What is the deficiency disease of vitamin A called
What is a vitamin deficiency disease?
Vitamin/Nutritional Deficiency. Vitamin/Nutritional Deficiency. Vitamin/nutritional deficiency. Vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 deficiency responds well to administration of cobalamin. Thiamine was the first water-soluble vitamin to be …
What diseases are caused by vitamin C deficiency??
Vitamin C is one of the most beneficial of vitamins. It prevents and cures the disease scurvy, which cause muscle degeneration, wounds that won’t heal, excessive bruising, bleeding of the gums, loose teeth, joint pain, and numerous other pr…
Is Hat Deficiency Disease Caused Due To Lack Of Vitamin D??
You need more calcium in your diet

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Can you tell me about severe vitamin D deficiency?
Q: I have been sick for a while. weak, bowels etc. I have thyriod disease, and am on meds for a couple of things? What symptoms may be forom this deficiency the message my Dr. left was that it was the lowest that he has ever seen and has been 40+ years testing D. I cant call him until tomorrow , the web is a bottomless pit. HELP thanks
A: There’s a lot I can tell you, but I’ll try to get down hopefully what you are looking for.Vitamin D is quite an important substance. It is rich in Fish oils and your skin can make it in good sunlight. Deficiency in Vit D normally leads to two main illnesses: Osteomalacia and Rickets. Rickets generally occurs in children, Osteomalacia normally in older people. Both cause muscle weakness and symptoms such as bone pain, back pain, leg pain, susceptibilty to fracture… there are quite a few things. Rickets is characterised by bowing of children’s legs, whilst osteomalacia is similar to osteoporosis but is NOT the same thing.Vit D is important for Calcium homeostasis… that is the maintenance of a good level. It increases its absorption and by way of the kidneys, Vit D can have major effects. There are whole lot of other thing associated with Calcium which may be relevent if your Calcium is low (which it proably is). If you want to know more about that… modify your question and i will add it.The fact that you are having bowel problems could be the cause of the Vit D deficiency. If you find that there is a lot of fat in your faeces (and they float) it could be the reason, since it is absorbed through fat. The issue here is that IF you have an overactive thyroid… your bowels process food faster and you should still be absorbing normally.The weakness (and possible low calcium if you have it) could be caused by a overactive thyroid easiliy (if you have it). So the best thing to do know is to take the advice of your Doctor as he knows your situation best and everything could link into one another masking what the actual problem is. I hope this has helped you and I wish you Good Luck!
Is it good to drink milk? The text is too long but worthwhile read….?
Q: es esta pagina linkhttp://notmilk.com/kradjian.htmlThe most important information dissemination my.Not that, but I can make your text too long jajaja.If I write bad is that I am leading a translator jaja
A: wow. Looks like you had allot of thought to this. My thoughts to this. People have been drinking milk for positively centuries and millenia. If you like it, drink it. If you don’t, don’t.
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