What is the healthiest kind of milk? From what animal

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the healthiest kind of milk? From what animal”,you can compare them.

Soy milk is really healthy, it’s not from any animal so there are no animal by products. Is there anything else I can do for you? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-healthiest-kind-of-milk%3F-from-what-animal ]
More Answers to “What is the healthiest kind of milk? From what animal
What kind of care do you provide rescue animals and are they heal…?
All rescued animals undergo comprehensive veterinary screenings, which include tests to detect heartworms and other internal parasites and as necessary appropriate medication to remedy the condition, complete immunizations, dietary review, …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what kind of milk? Soy?
Q: I don’t want to give my son cows milk or any other kind of animal milk, so what is the healthiest thing to give him when he turns a year?I have changed my mind not just because of the animal biproduct but also becase I am removing all forms of chemicals that I possibley can from our lives, and animal milk is LOADED with them. and after giving it thought drinking cows milk is discusting!! I don’t drink it and I would rather my son not drink it if I can find something healthier for him!!
A: cow’s milk is more complete nutrition than soy, but soy is the next best thing after human or animal milk. rice milk has very little nutrition and nut milks are an allergy risk.http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetails.aspx?p=114&np=302&id=1788
does anyone find milk kind of nasty but still drinks it?
Q: me, i have this thing that i love drinking cow milk, and eating it with my cereal, but the thing is when i see it, its cow milk from an animal that already got slaughtered probably, its from AN animal that you never seen your whole life and your drinking it, it came from them!…kind of weird, but still healthy.
A: I refuse to drink plain milk. Cause to me, it’s gross. In order for me to drink it, it:A- Must be with cerealB- Mixed with espresso for a coffee drinkC- Be chocolate milk.
what kind of milk should i give my son?
Q: I still have 2 months before he’s off of formula but I was wondering what kind of milk is the healthiest for him? I don’t want to give him animal milkis soy good enough or what would be best?
A: well i love to get info from the folllowing siteshttp://veggielinks.com/http://vegansociety.com/http://www.veganhealth.org/articles/preginfchilhttp://www.veganhealth.org/articles/realveganchildrenas well as here are some great excerpts from the vegan society page located in FAQ’sQuestion: Is soya formula safe for infants?Answer: Human breast milk is preferable to formula for infants, if possible – but there is no evidence that soya formula is inferior to cow’s milk formulaQuestion: I am planning to breast-feed my baby. What is the best vegan diet for me to eat?Answer: Our dietician suggests a balanced vegan diet as a sound basis for health for parents and children. You can find out more from our free information sheet on nutrition for infants and children, and from our book, “Feeding your vegan infant – with confidence: A practical guide from pre-conception through to pre-school” by Sandra Hood.Question: What is the best vegan diet for my children to eat?Answer: A varied plant-based diet, combined with adequate physical activity, is a sound basis for a healthy lifestyle for people of all ages. Thousands of healthy children have been raised on a balanced vegan diet. This will include a reliable source of B12 – such as fortified soya milk or nutritional yeast. Low calorie fruits and vegetables can be insufficiently calorie-dense for a young child.The Vegan Society publishes “Feeding Your Vegan Infant – With Confidence” by Sandra Hood, a state registered vegan dietitian, which offers comprehensive guidance on raising vegan children (from pre-conception to early school years).http://www.vegansociety.com/people/lifestyle/families/parenting/vegan_children/good luck and healthy baby !!!!
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