What kind of meat has the lowest calories

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “What kind of meat has the lowest calories”,you can compare them.

Calories in poultry, such as chicken and turkey, are the lowest. Calories in ‘white’ fish, like cod, are low. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-kind-of-meat-has-the-lowest-calories ]
More Answers to “What kind of meat has the lowest calories
What is the lowest-calorie meat?
The best are what are considered negative calorie foods. Fat-burning meat foods: Lean Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Pork, Buffalo, etc. Pretty much all lean meats help to speed up the metabolism and burn more fat simply because they require so muc…
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Deli meat and cheese thats lowest in fat and calories?
Q: I’m going to by some meat and cheese at the deli. Whats the best kind to buy for a diet? I will put it in low carb bread or whole grain bread or something.
A: Turkey is by far the lowest in fat & calories. Also chicken breast. Most cheeses are high in fat, but sometimes a good deli will offer a low fat cheddar or jack, just ask the deli. I would skip the mayo and have them put on lots of tomato and lettuce.
Uhmmmm Unexpensive foods with VERY low calories?
Q: I know Baked Chicken is one…but i need more exmples.cause im on a strict diet,&& my dad wants to know what kind of foods he should start cooking for me.pleasee no noodles or wheats.just veggies, && non-greasy meats.
A: all veggies are low calorie, then come lean proteins like egg whites, skinless poultry, seafood, lean pork and lean cuts of beef.
Low carb,low calories,low fat diet.?
Q: I’m 50 pounds overweight for my height,and I am hypothyroid.I’m not very active,but I do lift weights on a machine and do leg exercises 40 mins everyday.(for the past month)The past few days I’ve tried being on an 1,000 calorie diet,I eat under 100 carbs a day,and under 20 grams of fat.I think I eat extremely healthy,lots of vegtables (except corn & potatoes),fruit,lean meats (eggs whites,turkey burgers,beans) and low fat dairy (yogurt,skim milk).I have cut out all the breads,cereals,rice,pasta,deserts,juices,soda.Is that safe? do I really need those kind of carbs in my diet,or do they really just make me fat.And Is it safe to eat 1,000 calories a day? I’m never hungry and I eat small throughout the day.I really need to lose weight,am I doing anything wrong?I need some opinions.
A: you need to get more than 1,000 calories a day. grains do not make you fat so try to incorporate some whole grain breads or pastas back into your diet. 1,000 calories isnt enough energy for your body to run on, so its going to hold on to all the food you do give it, which is probably why you are not seeing results. also carbohydrates are what give your body energy to work out, so if you cut out the carbs your body is going to start breaking down proteins and muscle mass for energy. so a low carb diet combined with exercise is a really bad idea. you need to take some fat to loose some. also if you incorporate cardio into your workout you will see faster results.
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