What should I do if I haven’t gotten my period in 6 months

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If you have ruled out pregnancy, there may be other causes like drastic weight loss, stress, or certain birth control. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-if-i-haven%27t-gotten-my-period-in-6-months ]
More Answers to “What should I do if I haven’t gotten my period in 6 months
What should I do if I haven’t gotten my period in 6 months
If you have ruled out pregnancy, there may be other causes like drastic weight loss, stress, or certain birth control. ChaCha on!
Why haven’t I gotten my period in 6 months?
many women have irregular periods for hundreds of reasons9bit and small) there is no way to tell “why” you haven’t gotten it without some kind of a diagnostic test.I could act smart and give you a list of reasons that will do noth…
Why havent i gotten my period in 6 months?
Well I am sorry sweetie but I am not a doctor but I could tell you that if you haven’t gotten your period in 6 months its time to do something about it! I would go to the store and buy a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant! And if you…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What should I do I haven’t had A period in 6 months but I am still A virgin.?
Q: Im 17 and my periods aren’t regular they have never been that way.. Should I go consult A doctor or wait and see if it gets normal?
A: have you had a stressful situation? stress can cause you to miss your period. try to relax and give it a couple of days. i had a friend that missed her period a lot and it was stress. if that doesn’t work see your gynecologist and tell her the problem. you might have a underlying problem and don’t know it. some girls just have irregular period and the doctor could regulate it for you. i commend you for saving yourself, that’s a great thing!
nearly 6 months, no period – Not pregnant?
Q: Right, well i haven’t had a period since about the 17th of december 07. I did a couple of HPT after the first month which was negative, at about 2-3 months i had a qualative blood test which was also negative and i haven’t been back to the doctors since (stupid i know) anyway heres where it gets strange, i have been weeing a lot, getting dizzy, occasionly feeling sick and my stomach is sticky outty a bit! I actually had someone ask me the other day when i was due lol (so embarrasing).Has anyone experienced false blood tests but actually been pregnant?Is there any other reasons for the symptoms i’ve been having?What should i expect the doctor to do next?Thanx for your answers in advance, if anyone needs more info, just ask and i will add it!
A: It is possible to be pregnant and test not, but it would be unusual – especially for a blood test. Usually you would be feeling very tender and growing breasts as well as a growing stomach. At this point, you would be “very” pregnant – not just a little bit “sticky out”.You need to make an appointment with your physician immediately as it sounds more like cysts or a growth than a hidden pregnancy and needs to be attended to immediately.
Ok i haven’t had a period on 2 months! help?
Q: im a virgin and im 15 i don’t remember having a period in February but i did not get one in march i started my period in like 6th grade and i am a little bit overweight and im have not been stressed. My breast sometimes get sore but i haven’t gotten a period but now im taking an exercise class that 3 times a week so ill probably wont get it this month either. Please help what do you think is wrong with me and i feel uncomfortable telling my mother but if i have to when should i tell her?im not pregnat lol i have never had sex
A: You are fine. It’s normal for teenage girls to skip a period before they are completely regulated. You shouldn’t feel uncomfortable telling your mother, she has been through it before and is a great source of information ont he topic.
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