What should I do to lose thirty pounds in two months

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For safe and healthy weight loss, try not to exceed a rate of two pounds per week. Healthy diet and exercise is the only way. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-should-i-do-to-lose-thirty-pounds-in-two-months ]
More Answers to “What should I do to lose thirty pounds in two months
How can I lose thirty pounds in two months
A pound of body fat equates to approximately 3500 calories. So you’ll need to burn off 105,000 calories to lose 30 lbs, on top of burning off the calories of whatever you eat.
Is it possible to lose 30 pounds in 2 months?
yes it is, Losse : all the snacks Fat food skim mik only vegetables and fruits 1 slice of whole grain bread skip meal at night and eat fat free yougrut Exercise: Jump rope for 10 min walk or brisk walk with an handbag full of load for 1 hou…
Is it possible to lose 30 pounds in two months?
Yes, what you need to do is be very strick Only eat protein and vegetables and fruit workout 1 2 full weeks of intense cardio and strength training then give yourself 1 day of rest and keep at it. Then drink lots of water, go to sleep early…

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What is the fastest way you lost thirty pounds?
Q: I want to lose thirty pounds in about two months is that possible?How much should i exercise?Can i lose a pound a day if i walk ten miles a day at a moderate pace?Any weight loss tips or personal experiences on what and what not to do would be greatly appreciated :^ )Thanx a bunch :~}
A: I lost thirty pounds in a month once… I wouldnt recommend it. I did it by only eating brussel sprouts and tuna.. It was 30 yrs ago and I was using the concept of the Boston Police Diet. Its a version of the atkins. I eventually gained it back.I lost 30 lbs in 6 weeks following the Redux Revolution diet, which had nothing to do with the drug, and was about not eating after 6 pm and working out 2 hours after your last meal for at least 30 minutes. I eventually went to shift work and …gained it back. In 2003 I lost 50 lbs in 6 months by doing Atkins, and this I would recommend. It was 6 yrs ago and I have kept it off by following a controlled carb eating plan. I excercise almost every day and avoid processed flour and sugar when possible.
diet plan. plz help.?
Q: ok i will tell you how much i weigh. im currently 130 pounds and 5’3 1/2 and i got to lose pounds. i look chubby but not that fat. so i wanna lose thirty pounds in two months. please help me and tell me what exercises should i do every single day no matter what to lose weight. first best answer gets ten points =]thank you soooo much if u bother to answer.
A: you don’t want to take any over the counter make me skinny pills, you want to keep your calorie intake between 1200 – 1500 calories a day for the first few weeks, then you can drop it down to 1000 – 1200, you don’t want to shock you body to fast, what my meal plan is:breakfast: 2 eggs water/juicelunch: tuna, freash fruit, waterdinner: salad, fruit, wateralso you need to have a small snack between meals, you can find them at wal-mart in the weightloss section, there called Luna Bars, like slim fast but better tasting and made just for woman, and there not too expensive either. go to the gym, do a cardio workout (like treadmill, stair stepper) for about 30 minutes and try to burn atleast 300 calories then do light weights and an ab workout. I lost 30 pounds in almost 2 months with doing all of the above and WITHOUT taking skinny pills. I do think 30 pounds may be to much try 15 pound and just tone it up a bit. good luckI think I lost the 30 pounds in 2 months because I had the weight to lose, but, don’t get discourged the healthy weight loss per week is 2-4 pounds and, remember muscles weight more then fat, so you may lose 10 -15 in 2 months but you will be much toner. and toned is way more sexer then stick skinny
Ten pounds in two months? Meals please?
Q: hey. im fourteen years old and weight about 125 pounds. im full grown and im at 5’2.5″. i want to lose about seven-ten pounds in two months. can someone (specifically someone who is very well educated on nutrition) help me make a meal plan including what i should eat for breakfast, dinner, and lunch. thanks? oh and i also im an ice skater who skates for 1.5 hours every other day. The days im off training i run for thirty minutes and do some sit ups to tighten my abs. Thanks so much!
A: My brother got really fat in his teens & he was so short. Then he got really tall & thin so that could happen to you…..I would suggest you eat a low carb yogurt at night if you get hungry after dinner & want something before bedtime…it has calcium & is so relaxing. If you eat health snacks you won’t get too hungry so if you feel hungry after breakfast but before you can get to lunch & are in school you might need to see if you can eat a snack around 9am I do that everyday & have a half apple or banana & peanut butter & the other half about 3.
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