Which is better 3 meals a day or 6

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Which is better 3 meals a day or 6”,you can compare them.

Most dieters agree that eating six small meals a day instead of three helps to fight hunger and break down the food with more ease. Thanks and ask away! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-is-better-3-meals-a-day-or-6 ]
More Answers to “Which is better 3 meals a day or 6
Is it better to eat 6 small meals a day rather than 3 regular siz…?
It doesnt matter it just matters what you ate because if you multiply your weight by 13 and compare that to how much calories you ate and if you ate more calories that your weight times 13 than you will gain that weight and if you eat less …
Is it better to eat 3 large meals a day or 6 smaller portions??
Six smaller sized meals is the way to go. The traditional nutritional advice to eat three meals per day and avoid “snacking” between meals can actually slow your metabolism and increase body fat storage. So, for optimal muscle-bui…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Which is actually better to speed up metabolism, 6 small meals a day or 3 small meals a day?
Q: I’ve been trying to research information on this and I keep finding conflicting information. Some websites say 6 small meals a day and others say 3 small meals a day. Not exactly sure which one is better to speed up metabolism and I’d like to find out before I start dieting.
A: most definately 6. The reason being that six small meals will provide your body a constant adequate supply of nutrients that you depend on to get through the day.3 big meals (not small) will overload you with too many nutrients at once, storing them as fat, and not supplying you during the times needed in between meals. 3 small meals is practically starving yourself- which isn’t good either.With 6, you body is always working and digesting.
Which one is better 5-6 small meals or 3 meals?
Q: I was wondering because a lot of people say you should eat 5-6 small meals a day and some say 3 meals a day.If i was to eat 5-6 meals a day what should i eat?
A: I asked my nutrition coach the the same question. It depends on what your goal is… if you eat 5-6 small meals a day it does keep your metabolism going all day,however you shouldn’t do that unless you know what to eat and how small of portions. if you don’t you should eat 3 meals a day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner at 6pm or so. Most people dont gain very much weight each day if they don’t eat 5 hours before they go to bed. I recommend 3 meals a day. cereal for breakfast,low fat meal with veggies for lunch and a low fat tv dinner for supper. For the 5 meals a day you want to eat alot of fruit and veggies and beans. When you buy food look on the back to see the fat percent in grams 0 is the best. good luck!
Is it better to eat 6 small meals a day rather than 3 regular sized meals?
Q: I heard that eating 6 smaller meals throughout the day is much better for you than 3 regular sized meals, and I just wanted to make sure
A: Yes. Because your body digests the food better and also it makes your metabolism faster
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