Which is better for weight loss water, green tea or milk

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Which is better for weight loss water, green tea or milk”,you can compare them.

Green tea can help some in weight loss due to it having caffeine which increases your metabolism. Water can also help by making you feel full and decrease your appetite. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/which-is-better-for-weight-loss-water%2C-green-tea-or-milk ]
More Answers to “Which is better for weight loss water, green tea or milk
Which is better for weight loss water, green tea or milk
Green tea can help some in weight loss due to it having caffeine which increases your metabolism. Water can also help by making you feel full and decrease your appetite. ChaCha on!
What is better for weight loss green tea or water?
Green Tea is the best but drink both
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Here is the first recommendation for the best weight loss supplement: A detox program This is ideal for someone who needs to lose more than 5 or 10 pounds. These detox programs are great. Most people can lose 5 pounds in a week. The great t…

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Is this a good weight loss plan?
Q: Ok I’m trying to create an effective weightloss plan for me, (I’m Asian so theres Rice in it)6:00 am: light cardio (jogging, biking)6:30 am: :Breakfast – Slimfast meal Bar, milk, Green teaorMicrowaved egg (no yolk), rice, tea spoon of soy sauce and sesame oilorA bowl of Special K cereal, Milk, Slimfast Bar7:00: School1:00 pm: LunchSchool food <— can’t replace this3:00 pm: Come home/snack timeSnack:Granola bar, Bowl of Salad + chicken breast pieces, or Egg sandwich 6:00 pm: Dinnerw/e our family has, assorted Korean food including Kimchi, some meat or fish, rice, and spicy vegetables7:00 pm: Amateur muscle training (sit ups, lifting wal-mart bought dumbells, nothing advanced like gyms or those crazy muscle building things you see on TV)9:00 – 11:00 pm: Go to bed (time depends on how much home work I have)Rinse and repeat~I’m about 6’1″, I might or might not have PE at school, and I will be drinking about 10 cups of water and I may drink 2 cups of Green tea. (I heard it speeds up your metabolism a bit, so I need to know a brand I can buy at a local super market, tell me a brand and you get bonus points)Other points I might add are:I’m stressed out a lot from school and all those darn AP classes that kills my brain. Also SATs are coming up too, I might skip morning cardio if I didn’t get enough sleep that night due to homework. No snacks at school besides vending machines that contain generic fatness (which I’ll avoid…hopefully)Lunch isn’t very healthy as well, usually just Pizza, hamburgers, ectSo ya, tell me if this plan is ok, bad, or fail. Tips, tricks, and things I should add are appreciated. -waits for someone to post “DIETS DON’T WORK”-No Mek, this isn’t a “lets advertise health blogs! :D” area. I asked a specific question, I based this on my schedule and the amount of time have a day.I heard yolk is full of fat and what not…I’m forced to eat lunch at school, no choice.
A: That’s a good diet plan; but do you need to even lose weight? You are probably just over reacting! But if not, that will work, just don’t eat any junk food, and try to eat an apple a day.
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