Why does drinking beer give you a gut

Health related question in topics Diet Nutrition .We found some answers as below for this question “Why does drinking beer give you a gut”,you can compare them.

Beer is full of fat and calories. Drinking beer gives you a gut because you are adding necessary calories to your diet. If you exercise and watch what you eat, you can drink without getting a beer belly! Cha Cha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-drinking-beer-give-you-a-gut ]
More Answers to “Why does drinking beer give you a gut
Is it true if you drink beer you get a Huge Gut?
Beer has lots of carbs, and if you don’t get much exercise then yes, you will get fat drinking a lot of it. Eating fatty and salty bar snacks with your beer will only make this worse. Your options are: – drink a lot of beer and get fat – dr…
Will you get a beer gut from drinking liquor??
alcohol has a very high glycemic index due to the sugars produced during fermentation. so it will slow down your metabolism. I wouldn’t worry about it if you are under 25, after that, you may start to gain weight from it.
How can I bulk up and lose my beer gut, without quittin drinking??
first off you would be surprised how much a beer gut weighs..it could easily weigh 25-30 pounds..the only way you will lose a beer gut is to lose the beer…drink something else..im a bodybuilder and had to drop beer…now its just vodka an…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why does drinking lots of beer make you have a big gut? or ‘beer belly’?
Q: I don’t understand why it’s only beer that gives you a gut like no other. Eating lots of fatty foods makes you fat all over but for some reason beer just makes your gut huge without really affecting the rest of you. Why?
A: because beer has A LOT of calories and A LOT of carbs! Which.. well let’s just say that most people don’t go job off those calories and carbs after drinking a whole bunch!
Will constantly drinking wine give you a gut/beer belly like beer does?
A: The famous beer belly is not so much from the beer. It come from eating more and often higher calorie food when you drink beer. I suspect, and my own unscientific observation is yes you will get a wine belly.for the same reason.
does one beer a day give you a beer gut?
Q: My husband has high colesterol and was told by a friend to drink one beer a day or a glass of wine would this give him a beer gut?
A: If you sit there all day drinking youll develop a beer gut, but one beer a day is nothing, nothing to worry about, this is if he actually walks around in a day, I hope this helped
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