Can I get more information on cystic fibrosis

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Cystic fibrosis is a disease that causes the body to make thick, sticky mucus causing problems in the lungs and digestive system. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can I get more information on cystic fibrosis
How do you get cystic fibrosis?
Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that affects your lung, pancreas and liver, just to name a few. It is found in the mucusy part of your body, and when you have the disease, the mucus that normally is thin and watery, that allows orga…
Where did cystic fibrosis get its name?
Cystic fibrosis gets its name from the breakdown of its meaning. Cystic is the medical term for binary tract. Fibrosis is the medical term for scarring of tissues.
Who gets cystic fibrosis?
About 1 in 4,000 children in the United States are born with CF and some 30,000 children and adults are living with the disease. The prevalence is higher among Caucasian people – especially among western European populations. In fact, 1 in …

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A: CeliacMidgut Volvulus (have they ordered an x-ray of the intestines?)Allergy to anything she is eatingAre you sure the meeting isn’t to announce a diagnosis? It sounds like all the right people are looking into it.
anxiety problems???? help?
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A: I believe you should go to your family physician and explain the problem and he will probably send you to a psychiatrist for assessement.. that doesn’t mean you are only means if you suffer from anxiety your brain constantly reacts as it would to stressful situations even if the stress is not’s in ”overdrive” and you can help yourself somewhat by doing yoga, focusing as much as possible on other things when you get another anxiety attack..Do aroma therapy, take some herbal remedies or try aroma therapy ..with lavender .. that relaxes.. and the psychiatrist doesn’t think you are mad… he or she may try to put you into group therapy… and the yoga will help with your breathing which you can try when you get an attack.. try to focus away from the attacks as much as possible.. and only as a last resort try anti anxiety medication.. it is okay if taken on a short term basis but if taken for a lenghty period of time the benzodiazepines which they most often dispense for anxiety related attacks..will make your body and your mind addicted to them and also if you take them for more than months.. you develop a tolerance to the meds given to you.. I do know because I am a GAD sufferer and a health care worker..I need to be on benzodiazepine.. on Clonazepam or Rivotril/Clonazepam (it’s all the same medication but different words for it.. I have a kind of anxiety where I get a lot of physical pain and I need to be on meds.. and I have developed a tolerance to Clonazepam so that now I need Effexor as well in order to be able to get the same effect.. Don’t do that if you can help it.. because the medication will only mask the problem but not solve it.. but group therapy, aroma therapy, focusing on other things.. and yoga or meditation can help you to not need medication and to still get over an anxiety attack…but do see the doctor and if the psychiatrist assesses you, you always have a choice to say ”yes” to group therapy and ”no” to medications.. only ever take meds if you really need them…but anxiety and depression are the 2 most common mental disorders ”not mental diseases” that exist…and if you suffer from depression as well then definitely consult the doctor and try to find the root cause for this …because depression and anxiety are two different things..PS. Anxiety attacks can cause you shortness of breath and even chest pain.. It does cause me spasms in the diaphragm which is why I am taking the Clonazepam as this is also a muscle relaxant.. xxx
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