What could it be when a dog is limping on its back hip

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It could be because of a cut, wound or foreign body in the pad of the foot or ruptured ligaments, fractures or joint diseases. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-it-be-when-a-dog-is-limping-on-its-back-hip ]
More Answers to “What could it be when a dog is limping on its back hip
What could it be when a dog is limping on its back hip
It could be because of a cut, wound or foreign body in the pad of the foot or ruptured ligaments, fractures or joint diseases.

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Is my dog hurt or sick?
Q: I took my 1 1/2 year old dog outside this morning and he was running around playing in the snow and having fun. He did take two poops, which looked kinda soft (not diarehea though), but that is not too uncommon for him. I went to the store for about an hour and came back and he just didn’t seem right. He would lay there and whine (which he does when he wants to go outside.) He is a very active dog and was not moving too much. I took him outside, but he came in and continued to whine/cry. He sounded like he was in some pain (different than his usual whine). I tried figuring out what is wrong with him. He just sits down and doesn’t want to “lay” down. When I get him to lay down, it seems like he is in pain. I thought something might have been wrong with his leg or hip because it seems like he is hurting when he moves (mostly laying down, but not while walking although he is walking/moving much slower). I took him outside again a few hours later to see how he would move and he was jogging around the yard and he didn’t look like he was limping or anything. I also have moved his legs in all different directions and he doesn’t let out any signs of pain when I play with his legs/hips. However, he is a pit bull mix so he probably has a high pain tolerance. It seems like he is in pain mostly when he tries to lay down, not while walking or sitting. He is big for a pit bull (about 75-80 pounds) so I am wondering if it is a hip problem? But he is only a year and a half and in very good shape (I exercise him every day). He is an extremely strong dog and I am wondering if maybe he pulled a muscle? All the signs point to a pulled muscle except that he moves around the yard pretty well (he wasn’t sprinting, but there is about a foot of snow and he was kinda “marching” and jogging through it). Something is definitely wrong with him. I am wondering if he is sick or hurt? I was worried about bloat, but he hasn’t eaten anything all day and he was fine yesterday. He even refused to eat treats, but has since eaten a very small amount of dry food. He is drinking water though.So basically I have a couple of questions:1) What can be hurt in a dogs leg (something like twisting an ankle or knee?) (I know dogs don’t have ankles!) Does it sound like he could have pulled a muscle? (That would be my most likely guess)2) If a dog pulled a muscle or twisted something in its leg, could they still move/jog around the yard without signs of pain? (He is a pitbull so his pain tolerance is probably higher than most dogs even though he is really a big baby)3) Why would my dog only be hurting when it tries to lay down, but not walk? (This is why I think there might be something wrong with his stomach? but I don’t know) Cuz when he lays down, his stomach stretches and he seems hurt, but maybe it is his leg that is hurting.4) What kinds of sicknesses can a dog get? It almost seems like he has the flu. I would guess he is just sick (because of refusing to eat, not a lot of energy, moping around, keeping head down) if it wasn’t for the crying he makes when he goes from sitting to laying down. Also, when he is laying down his back legs were shaking uncontrollably pretty bad. That is when I was trying to examine him. He continued to shake for several hours (not non-stop of course. just when he was lying down on his stomach.) The shaking has me pretty worried because he has never done that before except for maybe a few times when he was scared. He has since layed down (on his side which is more comfortable) and is not shaking. He only seems to shake in his back legs when he is lying on his stomach (when he goes from sitting to laying).Additional details: Not every time my dog lays down does he seem like he is in pain. Right now he just layed down without a problem. Also, he let out painful crying/whining sounds while just sitting there earlier, but then when he went to lay down it went almost to a high-pitched shreak which scared me. He seems like he is hurt. Would a dog cry/shreak if it was sick/ill or is he definitely hurt?Finally, I want to see if my dog gets better by tomorrow before I take him to a vet. Also, I don’t know what is wrong with him so I’m not sure if the vet could help him. I don’t feel like paying hundreds of dollars for X-rays to see if he could have broken something (I’m pretty sure he didn’t).So if your only advice is “Please take your dog to a vet”, then please refrain from posting. Any ideas of what could be wrong or if something similar has happened to your medium/large breed dog (especially pit bulls) then please give me some ideas. If I had to guess I would say he is either sick or pulled a muscle? Are these possible? I heard dogs don’t get colds so I don’t know what to think.Thanks for reading all this. 10 points best answer. Thanks in advance!!Thanks. I was thinking the same thing about his neck/back. However, he seemed fine running around this morning and then he was just sitting in the house for an hour and I came back and noticed something was wrong. He is young and in very good shape so I don’t think it could be an “old age” thing. What I mean is that I believe an isolated incident is the most likely cause, not detorioration or anything like that. However, I did let him sleep in my bed last night (which I usually don’t do). Is it possible he just slept funny and hurt his back or neck like people can do? The only reason I doubt this is because he is a very strong pit bull and his neck is as strong as a body builder. But maybe he slept funny and hurt his back? I dunno…Thanks. I was thinking the same thing about his neck/back. However, he seemed fine running around this morning and then he was just sitting in the house for an hour and I came back and noticed something was wrong. He is young and in very good shape so I don’t think it could be an “old age” thing. What I mean is that I believe an isolated incident is the most likely cause, not detorioration or anything like that. However, I did let him sleep in my bed last night (which I usually don’t do). Is it possible he just slept funny and hurt his back or neck like people can do? The only reason I doubt this is because he is a very strong pit bull and his neck is as strong as a body builder. But maybe he slept funny and hurt his back? I dunno…Thanks for the insight though. If he doesn’t get better tomorrow I am going to take him to the vet. Just trying to get some ideas of if he is seriously hurt or just sick with the flu or something that will go away.
A: Dogs are pretty resilient. I would wait a day…as long as he is eating (at least a little) and drinking water. If he still seems like certain positions cause him pain, I’d have him evaulated by a vet. Most vets (in my experience, at least) are pretty aware of how expensive interventions are and will do their best to minimize your cost while maximizing your pet’s health. In a very active dog, especially in deep snow, a pulled muscle sounds about right…I think you may have nailed it. If he’s pulled a chest muscle, it would make him uncomfortable to lay down. Good luck, and congratulations on being a caring and responsible dog owner.
My dogs tail is limp what could be the problem?
Q: I have a 13 1/2 yr old dog who is in good health except for his back hips and lower back are giving. At the present time I am getting those parts lasered and is on a non steroid to help. Yesterday when I came home from work I let him out and noticed his tail just hung there. I noticed it immediately because its always wagging. I tried lifting it and he doesn’t like that I mess with it. I called vet to see if laser could have anything to do with it, he said no. I have an appt at 3 today, but am soooooo worried. I wonder if he could have injured it some way. We have hardwood floors and I laid alot of rugs with grip throughout the house because he has a struggle on the slippery floors. Today I put him in my bedroom because its all carpeted. Could he have fallen somehow on his tail to cause this or what could possibly be going on. Just wondering if anyone else ever experienced this with their dog? I know I see vet today but I am so worried he’s my baby, thanks
A: The tail speaks volumes. A tail can be down when they are ill, in pain or if there is an injury to his tail. It really could be any one of those. Please contact your vet.
Help*** Rottweiler puppy limping back leg** not hips or broken bone! NO idea, took to vet, still no idea.!~?
Q: My rottweiler puppy, who is about 5 months old, jumped far and high off the couch yesterday. He was screaming!!!!! and holding his leg, could not put any pressure on it at all. But when you touch his leg, bones, and hips and everything he has no pain, and does not whimper at all. We took him to the vet, and they brought us back and did radiographs on him. His legs arent broken, his hips are in place- not out at all, and she can do full range of motion on his hips without pain. But he is still not walking on it at all, laying down all day, and when goes out, walks like a three leg dog until he cant go any futhur and I have to pick him up. Im worried, and he is on pain meds, and its only been two days.What could it be?What can I do to help encourage him to walk on it? When I do he whimpers and pulls his leg back.
A: Keep giving him the pain meds. He may have sprained something. Possibly even bruised his leg or hip. I have two rotties of my own, I know much it hurts to see them in pain. If it has only been 2 days, I would wait and see how he is in a couple days, if there is no change take him back to the vetGood Luck
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