How are cats good for your health

Health related question in topics Pets .We found some answers as below for this question “How are cats good for your health”,you can compare them.

A study shows that cat owners are less likely to die of heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.Petting is stress reducer. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How are cats good for your health
How are cats good for your health?
They’re soothing, relaxing, and they purr — sort of like soothing music, but way more cuddly than a stereo. Who could be tense with a fuzzy, musical hot-water bottle snuggled up to them on a cool night? 😀
Can old cats in good health become senile?
Senility Many owners spoke of a number of character changes and unusual behaviour which they have, possibly quite correctly, interpreted as senility. A blank expression, getting lost in familiar surroundings, constant yowling, lack of groom…
Would You Like To Be Your Cat’s Good Health Manager??
Cats like it, made with real salmon and tuna, helps to maintain good body condition. Cons: A bit costly without a manufacturer’s “cents off” coupon. The Bottom Line: This is a very good salmon and tuna flavored adult cat food, spe…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How are cats good for your health?
Q: Is it true that cats can help lower blood pressure? How? Why?
A: They’re soothing, relaxing, and they purr — sort of like soothing music, but way more cuddly than a stereo.Who could be tense with a fuzzy, musical hot-water bottle snuggled up to them on a cool night?:-D
Is it safe for me to feed Purina Urinary Tract Health formula cat food to both of my cats?
Q: I have two cats. One was just diagnosed with a UTI. =( He’s on antibiotics. I also went and bought a bag of Purina Urinary Tract Health cat food, since I heard it’s good. I read on the website that you’re not supposed to mix it with other types of cat food. In other words, you’re only supposed to feed your cat the Purina Urinary Tract food for maximum effectiveness. So my question is, should I just put down the Purina and take up the regular food? Is it safe for me to do that? Thanks guys! Any other tips on how to help my kitty feel better are welcome. This is his second UTI. (I think he’s stressed b/c we just moved.)
A: I have a Maine Coon who has had a few bouts with UTI’s and gave her antibiotics. I used the Purina one and for awhile it worked great but this last time the vet suggest a prescription diet for this condition, I have a male cat too and he eats the same thing it won’t hurt him, but may protect him from the condition. I have no way of making sure each eats only out of their own bowl bowl so the eat the same the best for the sick one.
How do you feel about feeding your cat garlic? Health benefits?
Q: I’ve heard it is good for them and kills worms.
A: It can’t kill worms. This is and old wives tale. Medical doctors would be prescribing as an inexpensive cure for people in third world countries with worms if this were the case. Your cat doesn’t need garlic, just a good canned cat food and fresh water daily.
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