What are reasons for the back to have cramps

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Back cramps are generally caused by injury, nerve damage, kidneys, hormonal disorders, dehydration, diseases like diabetes, anemia, and pregnancy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-reasons-for-the-back-to-have-cramps ]
More Answers to “What are reasons for the back to have cramps
What are reasons for the back to have cramps
Back cramps are generally caused by injury, nerve damage, kidneys, hormonal disorders, dehydration, diseases like diabetes, anemia, and pregnancy.

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Possible reasons for chest/back/shoulder/arm/wrist cramps and pain?
Q: They have been pretty constant for about a week now.I have had bad lower back pain for about eight weeks and think I may have injured something, but the doctor wants to wait a couple more weeks before doing an MRI for some reason.Perhaps the cramping is related to that injury? I’m not sure.The cramps have been in my chest, shoulder blades, shoulders, arms, heart, etc. and they hurt. Not to the point of bringing me to my knees (I can still function), but they’re definitely uncomfortable.I had an EKG and echocardiogram last month because of similar symptoms, but everything checked out OK and I was assured my heart is very healthy (although I was never given a stress test or holter monitor).I am a 24-year-old male, caucasian. I’m not overweight, I drink enough water, I take a multi-vitamin liquid in the morning and a magnesium supplement at night. I don’t smoke and only occasionally drink alcohol. I am on a very mild dose of Xanax for help coping with anxiety… but had never had any anxiety until all of these unexplainable symptoms started cropping up.Please help. My doctors aren’t getting anywhere and I don’t know what to do.Thanks.
A: mate i have the same thing its stress and anxiety i see no other thing it could be ive been trough all the ECGs xrays blood test everything nothing came up. An was told countless times i have anxiety.. i chose not to take tablets not my bag, even for pain. Just know your not alone and i know its a real pain in the a.r.s.e. I was 100% health until February when all this hit like a ton of bricks.
Okay, I need input! I am at 38 weeks and tonight starting at 8:00 I have had on and off lower back pains.?
Q: It started at 8:00 and for the first hour they were 20-25 minutes apart. Then at about 9:15 I had another and then since 9:25 the back cramping has been constant. I even had a BM (sorry for the TMI) just to be sure it wasn’t that or gas pains. Still have the pains. It hasn’t let up now. It feels just like when I would start my period, a dull crampy ache in the lower back. I have not lost my mucous plug nor has my water broke. I also haven’t been having regular contractions on my abdomen, a few early on, but not really now. But the back pain is not letting up. What do you think? The hospital is an hour away and my husband just went to bed so I don’t want to jump the gun. Does it sound like real labor? There is no reason my back should be hurting. I’ve even switched sitting positions to see if it would ease up; it hasn’t.
A: try changing positions completely…go out and take a walk down the block and back, lay down (left side of course), do many different positions. I am 38 weeks 3 days and I find that when I am sitting (no matter HOW I’m sitting), the contractions get more frequent and seem terrible. But once I start moving around a bit more, they ease up.Also, real labor contractions may be felt in your back but you will feel them at the top of your uterus.I was told the Braxton-Hicks start low and move upward and real labor contractions start at the top and move lower.Of course, this all doesn’t mean that you AREN’T in labor, but give your body a little time to let you know for sure before getting too excited (which can trigger more braxton-hicks).Good luck though and congrats!
What are some causes of lower back pain/cramping besides bladder infection?
Q: I am currently 34 weeks and on Thursday I went into my doctor’s office because I was experiencing lower back cramping. It was not severe, but I had never had it before so I thought it best to get checked out. They tentatively diagnosed me with a bladder infection at that time, and said that was the cause of the cramping, but they said they needed to send my urine for testing and would be able to confirm the results at my appointment I had today. Well the test for the infection came back negative, so now I am back to not knowing the reasons for these pains and it makes me nervous. When I got checked out last week, baby was fine and I wasn’t contracting, so I’m not really worried about pre-term labor at this point, but I know there are other potentially serious things, like kidney stones, that can cause lower back pain…but my doctor did not seem concerned and didn’t look any further into the issue other than to suggest physical therapy for the discomfort, as he said that one of the most common complaints late in pregnancy is lower back pain…So does anyone know of any other causes for this kind of mild, crampy pain? What needs to happen before I go back to the doctor and ask them to please determine the cause officially?
A: I’ve heard of people having pinched nerves before. Also, gall stones although having those before I know the pain is nowhere near mild! But maybe they can start out that way. Or maybe you’re just this far along and it hurts! Think about all the extra weight you are carrying around and the strain that it has on your body. Certainly it can be pre term labor movement, but the good thing about that is it will get worse, and that way you know you are very close!
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