Is cat-scratch fever a real disease

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Cat scratch disease (CSD) is a bacterial disease caused by Bartonella henselae. Most people with CSD have been bitten or scratched by a cat and developed a mild infection at the point of injury. ChaCha. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is cat-scratch fever a real disease
Is Cat Scratch Fever a real disease?
Is Cat Scratch Fever a real disease? Yes this is a real diseases and any one can get this from cats and more so from kittens . that carry this in the blood and cat scratch disease is a very tender and swollen bunch of lymph nodes, a condit…

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Can you get Cat Scratch Fever without being scratched or bitten?
Q: A few months ago, I played with a friend’s cat… don’t remember any licks or bites, but I developed swollen glands within a few days. I went to the doctor about the swollen glands, but didn’t think twice about the cat at the time as I’d had no problems with cats in the past. The Dr. said they weren’t swollen enough to cause concern — real helpful. I’ve been to my friend’s apt. again, but didn’t get close to the cat. Then, three days ago, I was playing with her cat again, this time, playing with him, brushing him, etc.Today, I woke up with swollen glands again. I don’t remember a cat scratch or bite, it’s possible the cat licked me…Could I get sick from that? Could the Cat Scratch Disease have become airborne while I was brushing the cat? Or stuck to my hands & gotten on my face, etc?I wouldn’t even consider this, except WebMD keeps listing it as a possible condition with swollen lymph nodes as a symptom.Any advice? Thanks for reading!!
A: the fever comes from scratches that is how it got the name . it sounds like you could be allergic to the cat . if you had the fever you would indeed have a fever and be very sick for a few days ,but swollen glands come from allergy’s . they to stay away from anything the cat comes into contact with , this is the only way to stay safe .
can you get diseases from cat scrathes?
Q: my boyfriend and i took in a stray and he desperately needs a bath. he is flea infested and can’t stop scratching long enough to eat a meal. is cat scratch fever real? do we need to worry about getting a disease from this cat? should we just let the vet do it instead of us?
A: yes cat scratch fever is very real. CSD as it is now know is caused by Bartonella henselae bacteria. I would highly recommend that a vet, or experienced cat owner examine the cat for some of the basic diseases that are zootropic (transmitable to humans). It is also the most humane thing to do if the cat is suffering from diseases. Thanks for taking in a stray, have it spayed or nuetered immediatly and i wish you the best of luck!
Diagnose me, please? What can these symptoms signify?
Q: I’ve had a sore throat for about 3 days. it started out feeling like I slept with my mouth open and then turned into a cough. Now, it’s just painful around my throat, not in a scratchy way, but almost like I have bruises on the inside of my throat (just what it feels like obviously…). I also have coughing attacks where I can’t catch my breath, although, I don’t really making too much of a whooping sound so I eliminated whooping cough. It could just be allergies, although I am very rarely affected by allergies.Also, I think unrelated, the bottom of my finger nails probably from the bed of the nail and 3/4 of a centimeter up turn bluish purple. I wasn’t cold at all. Is there something that I am missing in my diet? It’s never happened before…I am known to get weird diseases like Cat Scratch Fever (It’s a real thing) and Scarlet Fever. Are either of these symptoms signs of something else weird? Also, what’s the best thing to soothe a sore throat?I definitely know that is can be an unreliable source, but I really appreciate the advice to head to the doctor. I’ll try to get in in the next couple days.
A: If you’re finding it hard to catch your breath then you need to see a doctor as soon as possible, respiratory problems should never be left unchecked. For sore throats, honey in some warm water works for me.
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