What causes liver faliure

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Some causes are: acetaminophen overdoes; prescription medications; hepatitis and other viruses; toxins; autimmune disease; cancer; and metabolic disease. ChaCha for now! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-liver-faliure ]
More Answers to “What causes liver faliure
Liver failure can be caused by several factors such as cancer or Hepatitis. Many don’t know that taking too many acetaminophens can cause liver issues. For more information see here: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/liver-failure/DS00961/DS…
The most common causes of chronic liver failure (where the liver fails over months to years) include: * Hepatitis B * Hepatitis C * Long term alcohol consumption * Cirrhosis * Hemochromatosis (an inherited disorder that causes the body to a…
The most common causes of chronic liver failure (where the liver fails over months to years) include: ・ Hepatitis B Hepatitis C Long term alcohol consumption Cirrhosis Hemochromatosis (an inherited disorder … ・ Acetaminophen (Tylenol) ove…

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ok all. I have liver disease. It showed up on a CT scan about 3 months ago a fatty liver?
Q: and since then my liver enzymes keep going up. I have been experincing a lot of pain the last 2 days in my upper right hand side of my abdomen. the pain is getting worse and I was told today it is liver faliure. what I want to ask is this. How long will I last for if I do not get a liver transplant? liver transplants are so hard to get and most will die in a year without one. as I type this the pain is nigly and will not go away. do you guys have any advice for me? should I go to the doctors soon? please help. and answer this. my levels are higher then last time and keep going up. anyway also my urine is getting darker and yes I am drinking a lot of fluids. I do not drink, nor am I obese. I have back pain due to the pressure my larger liver is putting on my back. please do you have any advice for me. and how long can you live for without a liver transplant, cause I do not want one ever. Thank you and God blessdaisy I had a CT scan done about 3 months ago and since them my liver enzimes have been getting higher shown on a liver function test. I am due to see the doctor tonight. everyone has to die of something.
A: well haven’t you seen a doctor about this already?how else would you know that you have Liver Disease?I will pray for you too,I wish i could do more.The only thing that I know that is good for the liver is Milk Thistle,super good stuff,but you have to check with your pharmacist or Dr.to make sure it won’t hurt you more.May God Bless and Keep you too.
My girlfriend.?
Q: So here goes I’m a 22 year old biracial man with an IQ of 110 which is 20 points above average: my gf who is 20 has an IQ of 125. She plays violin i play guitar, she likes everything i like music a lot, adultswim a television program also a lot, and even girls more than me kind of, sometimes she just beats the crap out of me in my favorite video game. Now heres the thick part shes a Gemini I’m a Capricorn, anyone who knows astrology knows these two do not mix at all: we get along and everything is working it just seems like that everyday we get into pointless little scuffles over nothing, she gets wasted drunk and tends to tell me a lot about her past such as how much sex shes had a lot, how many subsistences shes done a lot, how sad she really is….a lot :.(. Now forgive me cause I’m kind of sappy and I’m rambling but i feel the best way to give a good opinion is to be informed of the situation, my question is what do you think? By the way her dad died a year ago from liver faliure.
A: Just because your astrological signs say that the two of you are not compatible doesn’t mean the relationship is doomed. I don’t believe in that type of stuff. My boyfriend and I have zodiac signs that don’t mix and we have been dating for 2 years and still get along great. Her past is a little rocky but if you really like her, give her a chance.
blood test results please help im really scared?
Q: right well im 14 and my health has been bad for quite a while but they have never known what was causing it and i had a blood test yesterday because the doctor thought i might have chronic fatigue but before they diagnose you with chronic fatigue they do a set of blood test to check for things like liver faliure and quite serious things like that and normally with blood tests they tell you to give them a call at the end of the week and thats what she said this time but the surgery called me up the next day and left a message on my voice mail telling me to phone the surgery as soon as possible with regards to my recent blood tests im really scared that this means that i have something seriously wrong with me so if you are a doctor or something and you have any idears please help me out
A: It could be something simple like you have an underactive thyroid. If your thyroid doesn’t produce enough hormones it can cause you to be tired, low energy, cold, gain weight, etc. A simple pill daily makes the problems all go away. Don’t panic…its good that they found something! At least its not a mystery anymore and you can just deal with the news and hopefully get on the right treatment.
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