Is heartburn genetic

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Our genes play a significant role in determining the likelihood of developing Acid Reflux Disease. The condition is caused by small amounts of acid from the stomach rising up into the gullet. Thanks for doing the ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is heartburn genetic
Is heartburn genetic
Our genes play a significant role in determining the likelihood of developing Acid Reflux Disease. The condition is caused by small amounts of acid from the stomach rising up into the gullet. Thanks for doing the ChaCha!
Is my heartburn genetic?
The only time I have ever had heartburn is when I was pregnant with my two kids. That is actually how I knew I was pregnant with my 2nd one. Good luck.

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Is my heartburn genetic?
Q: So i have never had heart burn in my whole life until 3 days ago and it wont go away….. I have taken tums and all the other meds and it is just burning something horrible.. I called my mother and asked her what i should do for it. She then proceeds to tell me that the only time she ever had heartburn was when she was pregnant with her three children. (one of those kids was me of course)…I have also been feeling dizzy…I have pcos and i have been taking metformin for about a month.I didnt think i could get pregnant just on that. We were ttc until i went to the doc and they told me i had PCOS. We werent trying or anything and now all of this starts happening out of the blue…Should i go buy a pregnancy test? Or would it be a waste of money?What do you guys think?Thanks for the advice!! :]
A: The only time I have ever had heartburn is when I was pregnant with my two kids. That is actually how I knew I was pregnant with my 2nd one. Good luck.
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A: How old are you? As we get older, increasing attacks of heartburn, indigestion, reflux, etc., tend to happen because our digestion becomes less efficient. One suggestion, that has REALLY helped me and my husband, is to start taking digestive enzyme supplements with at least one meal a day. As the name implies, it replaces key digestive enzymes that tend to decline over time. If you have a really bad problem, you might want to take them with every meal, but we find once a day to be enough for us.
what can I take for frequent heartburn?
Q: I’ve been having heartburn for a little over a week now; it feels warm in the abdominal and chest area 24/7. I’m not vomiting nor have I felt nauseated. What would be the best over the counter medicine to take? And do you know what could be the cause? My mom has GERD and im wondering if this is genetic. ANy information is helpful!
A: See your health care provider as soon as possible for prescription medicine. It depends on the underlying condition you’re being treated for. If it is chronic heartburn, you may need to take the drug indefinitely-or for one-to two-month periods when your symptoms flare up. With ulcers, the drug can usually lower the acidity of your stomach and upper gastrointestinal tract enough to allow any sores, scars, or irritations to heal. Then you can stop taking it, or switch to a less potent drug. In either case talk to your doctor about gradually stepping down from your current regimen, perhaps by taking half a dose, then alternating every other day with ranitidine (Zantac) or another mild acid-reducer. Yes, This can be genetic or runs in the family but perhaps may be not. See your doctor for sure. And good luck.
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