Is there more reasons for your pupil dilation

Health related question in topics Biology .We found some answers as below for this question “Is there more reasons for your pupil dilation”,you can compare them.

If both eyes are dilated it usually indicates drug use. If one eye is dilated it may indicate disease or brain injury. ChaCha on! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is there more reasons for your pupil dilation
Is there more reasons for your pupil dilation
If both eyes are dilated it usually indicates drug use. If one eye is dilated it may indicate disease or brain injury. ChaCha on!
What would be reasons for both pupils to dilate and constrict ver…?
constriction of the pupil, called Miosis, can be caused by natural mechanisms, drugs or can be a …
WHat are some reasons for having dilated pupils?
I could give you a few good reasons: ganja the mary j pot green buds dank weed thee chroniccc the reefer, skunk and the hasshhh woo woo.. or you could just be tired or in a dark room? nah is this a real question tho? I have no idea. Som…
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