What are the dangers of smoking one cigarette

Health related question in topics Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the dangers of smoking one cigarette”,you can compare them.

The danger of smoking one cigarette is nicotine addiction, which can lead to cancer, heart disease, and other fatal diseases. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-dangers-of-smoking-one-cigarette ]
More Answers to “What are the dangers of smoking one cigarette
What Are the Dangers of Cigarette Smoking?
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How sexy is smoking?
Q: In all honesty, do you think the aesthetic of smoking is sexy?In spite of what I know about the dangers of smoking, I feel that it is really sexy looking when girls smoke cigarettes. Obviously, black lungs and deathbeds are not sexy, but in the moment, I find smoking to be very sexy, and a huge “turn on.”My girlfriend smokes an average of about one cigarette a day and it drives me crazy when she does, because she looks gorgeous doing so. I’m glad she doesn’t smoke anymore, because I don’t want her to die.Just wondering how everyone else feels. I won’t ask you to answer the question without considering health risks and so on, because that has to figure into the equation for at least some people.For the record, I smoke a pack and a half a day.Could anybody consider that there must be a reason why smoking was ONCE considered to be sexy?From the answers so far, I must say the psychosociology surrounding smoking sure is interesting…I wonder what the results of this would have been if Yahoo Answers existed 55 years ago.
A: i’m apolled, actually, at all of these answers. i find it sexy in the same manner as you. i don’t think that the dangerous part of it is sexy… but i find the smoke coming out of the mouth sexy. or just watching lips wrapped around a cigarette. sexy. and i LOVE the smoke-sex appeal of the 40s and 50s… i mean, yeah it’s unhealthy… yeah you don’t want people to smoke and die from cancer… but it’s all in balance. you can smoke a cigarette a day and be okay. on another note, you can smoke a pack a day and die in a car accident, you know? things happen the way they’re meant to. if someone is meant to die from tar-build up in their lungs, then so be it! but i’m with you on this one, screw everyone else.
Will i smoking just one cigarette every weekend do much damage?
Q: Well I am 17 years old and occasionally if I am out and about I will have a cigarette if others are smoking. I don’t plan to ever purchase a pack for myself and have never felt any cravings for them. I understand that the danger would be that I get hooked but thats not what I am asking about.Can the occasional cigarette on a weekend cause a lot of damage to my health?
A: It’s never good for you and you understand that. I don’t condone underage smoking by any means, but one every now and then most likely won’t hurt you TOO bad.One cigarette messes up your lungs pretty immediately, but I believe 5 years after the last cig you have your lungs go almost back to normal. Take it from me, the biggest danger to you is that you’ll get hooked.I smoked occasionally for about a year, and then I bought my own pack right when I went to college to impress a guy I liked. I was really stupid. I never felt “hooked” but I kept buying them and buying them. I thought I could stop at any time… but for some reason I never did. About a year later one day I didn’t have a pack and felt a craving and I panicked. That’s when I realized I was addicted.Sorry for the sob story. Just want you to recognize the danger. I loved my grandfather very much and he passed away from it, which makes me feel so terribly every time I light up. Hookah isn’t any better, either. You’re probably new enough to smoking that you don’t REALLY enjoy it (I mean the taste, the smell… ugh) and since you’re not using it to soothe your nerves, I’d just pass next time. I’m 20 and have been smoking 2 years. The biggest things I’ve noticed is that if I don’t have any around, I start to panic and get anxious. The other thing is I used to be in fairly decent shape but now I can’t walk up 3 flights of stairs without literally being out of breath. I solely blame cigarettes for ruining my cardio.
To what extent does smoking affect your lungs?
Q: Let’s say that you smoke one cigarette (or joint), the cilia in your lungs will be damaged. How much time does it take for your lungs to repair from this sort of damage (if at all… my guess would be a week or 10 days… but it’s just a guess)? Will exercise help to repair your lungs? Are there any other effects to your lungs beside this? (I do not need an explanation of the dangers of smoking, I’m very well aware) What I suppose I’m most after is what is the recovery time for your lungs after one cigarette, and how the lungs repair themselves from this (if at all, again I’m not sure). Also, what are the best ways to promote healthy lungs and avoid the consequences of smoking.As much detail as possible would be appreciated, and don’t shy away from being technical, because I would like to understand this the best that I can.Thanks everyone for your responses.
A: This highly depends on your age, the type of cigarette you’re smoking, and other factors.If you are between the age of maybe 20-35, your system should be working at its optimal form. And if you’re smoking a light as apposed to an unfiltered cigarette, then it should harm you LESS. Also, if you’re smoking a joint (marijuana I’m assuming), then it is actually less harmful for you, unless you roll your own cigarettes with tobacco in it.Exercising would help the general well being of your body, by circulating your blood flow, which should repair whatever is in need of it faster. Also, smoking actually slows or, in some cases, totally stop your blood flow. Which is the total opposite of exercising. But, there is a difference between smoking one, “repairing” your body, and then completely quitting and smoking one, repairing, and then smoking another one immediately after. Because your body can’t heal fast enough.There are some effects to the body that would never leave the body, and smoking, even if all possible repairs are finished, would still build the adverse effects up. Also, don’t carry the mindset that you can smoke one, heal up and then smoke another and lead the life of a non-smoker. It simply doesn’t work that way. And the best way to promote healthy lungs is almost the exact same as losing weight: exercise and keep a good diet. Also, try to quit. Or at least smoke less.If you’re a heavy smoker, do not just drop it because thats close to impossible. Work your way down, to lights, then to patches/gum, then to nothing.
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