What are the most dangerous diseases

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the most dangerous diseases”,you can compare them.

AIDS is one of the most serious & deadly diseases in human history, cancer is typically viewed as the worst disease someone can get. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-most-dangerous-diseases ]
More Answers to “What are the most dangerous diseases
AIDS is one of the most serious & deadly diseases in human history, cancer is typically viewed as the worst disease someone can get.
gram negative diseases. ((Anthrax, Bubonic plague, legioaire’s disease, influenza, gonhorrea)) If in the intestines, they are ok, but if they spread to other organs,. bad news.
I would like to emphasize once more that the primary causes of Swiss deaths in the third world are not infectious diseases, but traffic and bathing accidents. The infectious diseases may be prevented by vaccinations or preventive medicines….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some of the most dangerous diseases?
A: gram negative diseases. ((Anthrax, Bubonic plague, legioaire’s disease, influenza, gonhorrea)) If in the intestines, they are ok, but if they spread to other organs,. bad news.
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AIDS is one of the most dangerous diseases of the century…?
Q: What hurts people most of all: their illness or ignorance of the society?
A: Actually no AIDS is not, The spread of AIDS can be controlled and it is up to peoples self respect and ability to keep their underwear on.There are diseases out there that kill more people than AIDS everyday, and their spread is not caused by peoples inability to control their lusts and it effects the innocent too,If only pop stars spent half the time mouthing off about Malaria etc then maybe less people would die.
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