What causes your body to not produce any blood

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Normally that would indicate a serious problem with the bone marrow. Frequently it is caused by Leukemia or Lymphoma but can also be caused by Epstein-Barr, Drug use and radiation poisoning.A Bone Marrow Biopsy would be needed to diagnose though. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-your-body-to-not-produce-any-blood ]
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What could be the cause of her body not producing blood??
Dear Ms. Campas, Even though leukemia is one of the causes, a pre-leukemia condition (myelodysplastic syndrome) is another possibility as well as a bone marrow failure called aplastic anemia. Another possibility includes replacement of the …

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Info for woman trying to conceive with negative blood group.?
Q: PLEASE READ IT IS FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY.RH Negative (Rh-) : What does it mean for you? Your RH status is very important for you and your baby. If you are RH-, then you will probably be advised to have a shot. This article will explain a little about what that shot is, what being RH- is, and why you might want to research things before you consent to the shot. Determining your blood type: When you get your prenatal workup done, your blood type will be assessed. You will learn what letter your blood type is (A, B, AB, and O). You will also learn what your Rhesus, or RH, factor is. Your blood can be either RH+, meaning the blood has the RH factor, or RH-, meaning the RH factor is not in your blood. Sometimes you will hear RH factor referred to as RH (D) positive or RH (D) negative. There are six RH genes: C, D, E, c, d, and e. The C, D, and E genes are positive RH genes; meaning there is an RH factor in the blood. The c, e, and d genes are negative RH genes; meaning there is no RH factor in the blood. Only the “D” gene has been shown to cause sensitivity issues, so it is the D gene that is of concern during your pregnancy. That is why RH factor is referred to as RH (D) positive or RH (D) negative by some practitioners. You may also hear the shot given to RH- women referred to as Anti-D immunoglobulin. Why does it matter if I have RH- or RH+ blood? Bottom line: If you are RH- and your baby is RH+, there could be complications for your baby, or future babies. If you are RH+, then you do not have to worry, because your body does not mind an RH- fetus. If you are RH- and your baby’s father is also RH-, then you do not need to worry. But, if you are RH- and your baby RH+, and your blood mixes with your baby’s, it could become sensitized. Your body could begin producing antibodies to the RH+ blood. If these antibodies get to an unborn baby, they can begin killing off the baby’s red blood cells. This is called RH disease. It is rare for it to affect a first baby, but if the mother becomes sensitized and produces antibodies to RH+ blood, it could cause problems for future babies. RH disease is very serious; however, recent medical advances allow 90% of babies with RH disease to survive (March of Dimes). I have RH- blood. What can I do to keep my baby (and future babies) safe? There is a shot available for women who are RH-. The shot is often called by the brand name Rhogam (BayRho-D is another brand). It is an Anti-D immunoglobulin. The shot is a processed human blood product containing antibodies to the RH factor. Injecting a the small number of RH antibodies into your blood sends them to work on any fetal blood cells in your bloodstream. This causes your body to think that the situation is under control and keeps you from producing antibodies on your own. The shot was originally given within 72 hours of birth. Now it is common for it to be given routinely during pregnancy around 28 weeks. Some doctors are also giving it routinely at 36 weeks. It is also recommended after any type of “trauma” that could cause maternal and fetal blood to mix. Examples of such trauma are miscarriage, abortion, amniocentesis, CVS, car wreck, falling on your belly, etc. This sounds great! Why should I think twice about the shot? The shot is a human blood product. There are some possible side effects to the shot, including possible effects on the immune system of mother and child. The shot is screened for all diseases which it is possible to screen for and the reaction rate is low. Nevertheless, these risks do exist. Some Anti-D immunoglobulin shots are preserved in mercury, which is another concern. There are mercury-free versions available. Doctors will admit that the 28 week shot is arbitrary – the number was picked just to have a number. The Anti-D shot is only effective within 72 hours of maternal-fetal blood mixing. So even if the injection is given at 28 weeks, it will only help if maternal and fetal blood has mixed 72 hours or less before the injection. Normally during pregnancy, maternal and fetal blood flows side by side at the placenta, but never actually mixes. During the course of normal childbirth, the maternal and fetal blood will not mix. It is usually during childbirth with intervention that the blood mixes. Interventions could be forceps, episiotomy, cord traction (pulling on the umbilical cord to get the placenta out), or cesarean section, among others. During pregnancy, amniocentesis, CVS, hard falls, car accidents, miscarriage, or abortion, among others, could cause maternal and fetal blood to mix. In a natural childbirth where the third stage of labor is allowed to progress gently (no forcing the placenta to come), it is very rare for the blood of mother and baby to mix. A homebirth with no medical intervention is often the safest way to assure that maternal and fetal blood does not mix. If the baby is born RH-, there is no danger of Ok sorry only just realised it did not paste completely this is the page I got it from. Also your doctor should be able to give you a good leaflet on it.http://babyfit.sparkpeople.com/archive_posts.asp?imBoard=16&imParent=2129145
A: Where did you get this article from? Id like to read the whole thing since im O- and 4 weeks pregnant.ThanksEdit:Yeah im going to the doctor friday so i guess he will give me the info. Thanks thoug!
Do you have any suggestions about my essay?
Q: Everyone knows that living a long and healthy life can be achieved through diet and exercise. But how do you know the most important elements for creating a healthy lifestyle? In this essay, I will explain how to achieve that goal, the steps you need to take, and the multiple benefits you receive from getting in shape. Along with making you look better and preventing certain diseases like osteoporosis and high blood pressure, Exercise can make you happier. “Exercise causes the body to produce endorphins, chemicals that can help a person to feel more peaceful and happy.” Even though you may know all the benefits to a healthy exercise program, you may not be motivated enough to actually begin. So you have to ask yourself this: Do I like solo sports? Or the camaraderie of team sports? Also, you might consider your schedule, surroundings and physical capability. “No matter your sports dilemma is, you have to make the decision that’s best for you.” (Stanford) Furthermore, you need to reflect on what type of exercise you need more. With Flexibility, Aerobic and Strength Training to choose from, decide whether or not you need to lose weight, tone up or regain flexibility. One of the most important parts of avoiding injuries is making sure your equipment is safe, up to date and fitting appropriately. “Using the wrong- or improperly fitted- equipment is a major cause of injuries.” When looking for a bicycle helmet, or multisport helmet, make certain that it sports a CPSC sticker. It should fit snugly but not tilt the head forward or backward. “The most protective eye gear is made from a plastic called polycarbonate and has been tested especially for sports use.” If you wear glasses, you’ll probably need prescription polycarbonate goggles. Mouth guards are used for protecting your teeth, tongue and mouth and should be used for any contact sport. Wrist, knee, and elbow guards are important too for protecting bones from fractures and sprains. Last but not least, the right footwear can protect you from falling. Cleats are used for baseball, football, soccer and softball and any shoes should be replaced before they wear out. While training is important to your game, rest is essential too. Overdoing it is quite possible and it is recommended that you rest 2 days a week with at least 2-3 months off. If you have been injured, make sure to rest until you are fully healed and can return. “Your doctor, coach or trainer will give you specific advice on when you should return to your sport or activity.” (Congeni) If you have any amount of pain, take it easy or it will get worse. Be sure to seek medical advice if you have moderate to severe pain, pain that interferes with sleep or daily activity, swelling, or inability to perform normal activities. So whether you’re into contact sports like Football and Rugby, or into honing in on your meditation skills by participating in Yoga and Pilates, there is a sport for you. But to ensure you can do it for a long time, you have to take precautions and follow safety regulations. You can do this by getting the right equipment, fitting gear, and training properly with the help or a doctor, trainer or coach.
A: It is widely known that living a long and healthy life can be a result of a healthy diet and regular exercise, but how do you know the most important elements for creating a healthy lifestyle? By writing this essay, I will explain how to achieve just that, by describing the steps you should take, and the pleasing results that will follow. Along with preventing certain diseases like osteoporosis and high blood pressure, exercise can make you happier, according to __________: “Exercise causes the body to produce endorphins, chemicals that can help a person to feel more peaceful and happy.” This is not a good essay. I’m being honest.I edited some of the first paragraph. It’s all over the place, and if you’re writing an even somewhat formal paper, you need to discard what you have and start all over.
Which of the following processes results in cells losing their potential to become any type of cell? Plleasee!?
Q: Which of the following processes results in cells losing their potential to become any type of cell? A. Specialization B. Determination C. Differentiation D. Apoptosis 2. Which cells are produced during the first few divisions of the zygote? A. Epithelial cells B. Cardiac muscle cells C. Bone cells D. Embryonic stem cells 3. Which of the following is the most complex level of organization in a multicellular structure? A. Organ systems B. Cells C. Organs D. Tissues 4. The major organ system that eliminates waste products is the A. endocrine system. B. excretory system. C. reproductive system D. integumentary system. 5. In response to being too cold, the circulatory system restricts blood flow to the extremities. What does the muscular system do? A. Increases the production of glucose B. Induces shivering C. Decreases the production of glucose D. Restricts movement 6. The body’s internal environment must stay A. within narrow ranges that support human life. B. the same as its external environment. C. exactly the same at all times. D. away from sudden outside temperature changes. 7. Internal control systems maintain homeostasis by regulating which of the following? A. Receptors in the body B. pH of body fluids C. External conditions D. The body’s control centers 8. Which of the following changes its level of activity in response to a message sent by a control center? A. Target B. Sensor C. Brain D. Receptor 9. In a positive feedback loop, the body increases the rate of change A. toward set values. B. without ever stopping. C. only slightly, then stops. D. away from set points. 10. A negative feedback loop causes the body to A. counteract a change. B. change set points. C. increase the rate of change. D. shut down a control center. 11. Each organ system coordinates with other organ systems through A. identical sensors and targets. B. their stem cells. C. connective and muscular tissue. D. chemical and nerve messages. 12. The long-term effects of a disruption of homeostasis include A. regulation of the internal environment. B. the immune system takes control. C. destruction of organ systems. D. establishment of feedback mechanisms. 13. Which of the following organ systems interact to regulate the level of vitamin D produced in your body? A. Respiratory and circulatory B. Endocrine and circulatory C. Integumentary and skeletal D. Endocrine and skeletal 14. Which of the following organs acts as the control center in thermoregulation of the body? A. Kidneys B. Hypothalamus C. Pancreas D. Liver 15. When exercising, the body needs more oxygen. Which of the following organ systems is NOT involved in maintaining the homeostasis of oxygen in the body? A. Circulatory B. Respiratory C. Digestive D. None of the above 16. A sunflower, an oyster, and a dog’s fur are all made of A. chloroplasts. B. water. C. mitochondria. D. cells. 17. Which phrase best describes the location for cellular respiration? A. Takes place only in nuclei B. Takes place only in mitochondria C. Takes place only in lung cells D. Takes place only in chloroplasts 18. An organ is composed of several tissues that work together for a specific function. Which of the following is an example of an organ? A. A leaf producing food B. A tendon connecting two bones C. A rootlet absorbing water D. A heart muscle fiber contracting 19. Cells from a zebra and a horse both have A. impermeable cell membranes. B. large central vacuoles. C. exactly the same DNA. D. membrane bound organelles. 20. In Figure 28.1, what does the starburst represent? A. Glucose B. Chemical energy C. The sun D. A phosphate group 21. If your body cells do not have enough oxygen because you are exercising hard, which process takes over for cellular respiration? A. Calvin cycle B. Chemosynthesis C. Fermentation D. Glycolysis 22. Almost every cell in an organism has a full set of the same genes, yet every cell does not function in the same way. Why? A. In the process of cell division, the genes undergo many different mutations. B. The few cells that do not have a full set of DNA are the most influential. C. Each cell uses only the specific genes it needs to carry out its function. D. The same series of nucleotide pairs code for different proteins each time they occur. 23. Cells containing chlorophyll working together to absorb sunlight form an example of a(n) A. chromosome. B. tissue. C. organelle. D. organ. 24. How does the process of osmosis shown in Figure 28.2 help cells maintain homeostasis? A. By using chemical energy to move particles B. By keeping flu
A: 1. C2. D3. A4. B5. D6. A7. D8. B9. A10. A/D11. D12. C13. C14. B15. D16. D17. B18. B19. D20. ?21. A22. C23. B24. ?
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