What does an X-Ray show

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X-rays are especially useful in the detection of pathology of the skeletal system, but are also useful for detecting some disease processes in soft tissue. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-an-x%26%2345%3Bray-show ]
More Answers to “What does an X-Ray show
・ An X-ray very clearly shows the condition of bones within a body. Since bones are very dense, they appear… ・ An X-ray of the torso reveals the features of the heart, lungs and digestive system in addition to the… ・ There are limitatio…
Because the X-ray image is a picture of your bones, it is a useful way to check for a fracture, spine deformity, or disease of the spine (like osteoporosis or ankylosing spondylitis). The image shows the alignment of your spine and whether …
If your doctor sends you for x-rays to examine your shoulder pain what he wants to look at is the bones of the shoulder and perhaps the joints between these bones. He will be able to see whether your bones are in their correct position, whe…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What exactly does an X-ray show..?
Q: What kind of information can my doctor get from an X-ray? Does it show the state of the bones, or other things like tissue and nerves? I mean, if you don’t have anything wrong with the actual bone, and instead it’s like a muscle tear or something, would an X-ray be helpful?Thanks!!
A: it can also show if there is some joint displacement or widening of the joint space. but its mostly to show bone issues( well that also depends on the level of X ray penetration). but your doctor needs to order for an x ray even though you think it just some muscle tear because if there was a tiny fracture that he missed you can come back and sue the heck out of him. so he needs to cover him self legally too
does an x ray show ligiment damage?
Q: hi,i`ve knackered knee playin football,i`m bed ridden for 3 days and then crutches for 2 weeks,i had an x ray last night and i get my results at the docs next thursday,but was just wondering if an x ray shows ligiment damage??? as my doc, said it will show if their any fluid on it and the out-line of my ligiments??? any one who has an idea,please answer,plus if ya had similiar injury what happen to yours???thanks!!!well i had read on here before that your better with an M.R.I, so now im wondering what their doin it for???my knee has never been so painful in my life,in 20 years playin,doc said she thought i had torn my ligiment,its been 2 days and it still very very swollen,its bulging out-ward all the way round my knee cap,where normally my knee cap is my furthest out ward area of my knee,the back of it is badly swollen too,can hardly,move it coz of the swelling! :-[so questionaire,im a bit green on all this,will the swellin show up as fluid???or is that a different thing???sound like i need an .M.R.I but its gettin them to do,that be the hard part,what wiv the tight N.H.S. if i got some sort of phsyio report that said that i had damage,would they be able to refer me to hospital???or is it only docs that can do that???many thanks!!!
A: No, an x-ray will not typically show definitive signs of ligament damage. X-rays can show boney substances and other tissues that are “radio opaque.” MRIs are much more sesitive to evaluating for ligamentous damage.Sometimes SIGNS of ligament or tendon damage can be detected on an x-ray (such as flattening of the greater tuberosity in the shoulder when a rotator cuff tear is suspected), but an MRI is usually performed to confirm it.
What does this mean in an x-ray of a dogs leg?
Q: My dog had to have an x-rat of his hind leg done because of an ACL tear. The x-ray showed a small black dot and the vet said it could have occurred from an error while taking the x-ray. But the vet wants him to go back in a month for another x-ray and to see the orthopedic. Should I be worried or should I take the x-ray and get another opinion right away?What makes me upset and wonder is the vet charged me for two x-rays and the tech only showed me one. I did not realize I was charged for two until I got home so I am waiting to call them later this afternoon. I want to see the other one as well! I think I will ask to pick them up and go somewhere else. I don’t want to wait to long if it might actually be something.I should have mentioned the black dot was in the bone (in the lower part of the femur)Also the ACL tear is very mild and is healing already, no surgery needed.
A: Sounds like they’re trying to rip you off. I would take the x-ray to another doctor who can actually read it.
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