What vitamins do fruit and vegetables give you

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Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer & other chronic diseases. They also provide essential vitamins and minerals, & fiber. Which vitamins depend on which fruit and vegetable. ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-vitamins-do-fruit-and-vegetables-give-you ]
More Answers to “What vitamins do fruit and vegetables give you
Does eating unripened fruit or vegetables give you any more nutri…?
your body tells you through your taste buds that it is tastier. Listen to your body . . it’s usually a good indicator that it is better for you … and yes, more nutrients
What fruit’s will give me maximum Vitamin’s and What vegetables a…?
You would get a better answer under the Foods > Vegetarian section. It depends upon exactly what sort of vegetarian you are. I am lacto-vegetarian which means I still eat dairy products. Dairy can provide you with a lot of calcium. It …
Will lots of fruits and vegetables give me enough vitamin C??
The short answer is no.You will still need to take supplements.

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can anyone especially experts give me ideas on what vitamins stimulates or enhance height?
Q: and also, what fruit or vegetables do i have to eat to help enhance my height. thank you!
A: Perhaps you can find some useful tips in a web search for “foods to grow taller”.
Why do we need fruits and vegetables?
Q: I did some labwork for my blood and a doctor called me the next day with the results. I was very tired and could not understand much, and the only thing i got was that something was wrong(i don’t know what) and she said i need to eat more fruits and vegetables and follow up with an appointment in two months.I think i eat more fruits and vegetables then most people my age ( i am 18). Also what do you think could be wrong? What will more fruits and vegetables give me?Note: she did not specify which fruits and vegetables. And i am aware that some of them give vitamin C some have fiber. But what do they give in general, since she said fruits and vegetables?
A: If you’re not eating meat and you’re not eating fruits and veggies, what is your diet based on? I’m assuming you’re a vegetarian because you posted this in vegan and vegetarian. If your diet is based on grains, that can pose some serious problems. For one thing, you can’t get all the nutrients your body needs from just that. Fruits and vegetables have powerful antioxidants that your body needs, plus a ton of nutrients. Grains are really supposed to be ingested in moderation. And if your diet is focused one one thing, your body tends to rebel and build up allergies and intolerances. I began a vegetarian diet in high school and got very sick. I found out why many years later. I replaced meat with bread and pasta and developed gluten intolerance. my body was producing antibodies to the gluten which was attacking my organs. You don’t want that to happen to you. Your diet really needs to be varied to thrive. You’re probably anemic and seriously deficient of nutrients at this point. What symptoms are you having?
my 2 year old daughter eats no vegetables,fruit or meat helpppp?
Q: hello, my two year old wont eat no vegetables, fruit or meat and i dont know what to do, i see all these parents giving there babies dried fruit, strawberries and i ask myself how do you do it my baby dont want nothing except plain pasta,plain potato,plain rice oh and milk in the morning or yoghurt i have to confess i do give her sweets and chocolate but its not every single day because iam not at the sweet shop every day and there was even a time i cut out sweets and choclates but she still would not eat and then i even just gave her smashed vegetables in her potatos so she wont know but no she refused lol. i want her to eat fruits i have done what the baby books say but she wont eat it and i dont want her to have vitamin drips forever i even eat the food in front of her but no she is not buying it lol please someone reassure me that she will be ok with her diet?
A: Mistake #1 – You introduced a toddler to junk food.I think you should take your little one to the doctor. If she’s not eating a healthy meal on a daily basis, she may have some health concerns. I knew someone who introduced soda to her 1 and a half year old. the little one lives on junk food almost on a daily basis. needless to say, she’s anemic. At age 2! could you imagine that?
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