What exactly happened in the great plague why did it happen and was it a group of people that got mad and killed

Health related question in topics History .We found some answers as below for this question “What exactly happened in the great plague why did it happen and was it a group of people that got mad and killed”,you can compare them.

The plaque was a disease epidemic. It caused horrible skin rashes and terrible painful death. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-exactly-happened-in-the-great-plague-why-did-it-happen-and-was-it-a-group-of-people-that-got-mad-and-killed ]
More Answers to “What exactly happened in the great plague why did it happen and was it a group of people that got mad and killed
What exactly happened in the great plague why did it happen and w…?
The plaque was a disease epidemic. It caused horrible skin rashes and terrible painful death.
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