What is Ricket

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Rickets is a deficiency disease that affects the young during their period of skeletal growth, causing the bones to be brittle. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-ricket ]
More Answers to “What is Ricket
What is Ricket
Rickets is a deficiency disease that affects the young during their period of skeletal growth, causing the bones to be brittle.
Why ricket disease is one of the common disease on some country??
Rickets is very common in nations with bad nutrition, particularly in areas where Vitamin D is unavailable. Vitamin D helps the body absorb and use calcium, leading to proper bone formation. Since fish is the only item that has much Vitamin…
What does Ricket mean?
1) slang: To describe something as wicked or Strikingly good 2) ricket(s): Disease caused by a lack of Vitamin D causing defective bone growth

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What kind of food and vitamins supplements can i give to my four year and 14 month old kids who have ricket?
Q: I have been given them cod liver oil, milk and fish but have not seen any improvement. Are there better food and vitamin supplement that could correct this condition more rapidly
A: Rickets is a disease which causes soft, weak bones in children. It usually stems from a lack of vitamin D. Many cases involve hereditary factors, so make sure to bring them to the doctor frequently to monitor their progress. Since both of your children have it, heriditary factors probably predominate. Make sure your children get enough vitamin D in their diets. Fortified cereals and dairy products, like milk and yogurt and certain kinds off fish contain lots of vitamin D. Oily fish like salmon, trout, mackerel , anchovies and sardines have the most vitamin D. See the second link for a more complete list.Sunlight is important too. Make sure they get a litlle sun every day. Thirty minutes or so will help them. Since they are so young, keep them out of direct sun during the hottest time of the day, but make siure they do get sunlight.God bless you and your children. Rickets is controllable, and I wish you nothing but suceess in your efforts to do just that.
What name would you pick for a skinny dog?
Q: I am adopting a dog from my local SPCA. He is underweight and needs a name. Which would you pick Styx (I know this is the River of Styx spelling and not Sticks but I like the spelling better), Twigs, or Ricket?Oh, and he is supposedly part greyhound so he will always look thin.
A: Styx good spelling and its original 😛
Is dog ricket curable? Will she be able to move well after?
Q: My 1.5 yr old chihuahua had ricket (bone disease due to lack of vitamin D). She is limping and legs are little bent. Can anyone tell if there is a cure, will she be cured after giving her vitamins? What are the things to do in order for her to go back to the usual happy and jumping dog?
A: I have no idea if it’s curable. Did your vet not tell you if it was or not?You need to go back to your vet ask your questions there and get your dog on a really good quality dog food. If she is on one of these she will get all she needs. Make sure it really is a good quality one though. Not grocery store crap. I can;t find too much anywhere on Rickets, but there is a little bit here: http://pets.indiatimes.com/articleshow/1934493305.cms I can;t find anything to say if it is curable or not so you really do need to go back to the vet.Good luck
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