What foods help keep you regular

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Fiber – along with adequate fluid intake – moves quickly and relatively easily through your digestive tract and helps it function properly. A high-fiber diet may also help reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-foods-help-keep-you-regular ]
More Answers to “What foods help keep you regular
What foods help keep you regular
Fiber – along with adequate fluid intake – moves quickly and relatively easily through your digestive tract and helps it function properly. A high-fiber diet may also help reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
What are good foods to help keep bowel movements regular??
Children and adults should get enough fiber in their diet. Vegetables, fresh fruits, dried fruits, and whole wheat, bran, or oatmeal cereals are excellent sources of fiber. To reap the benefits of fiber, drink plenty of fluids to help pass …
Which foods can I eat to help me get and stay “regular”…?
Just eat lots of fruits and vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole-grains (basically a fiber-rich diet) and you should be fine. Avoid processed foods (like junk food, T.V. dinners, or anything out of a box) as these are highly refined foods t…

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Tips to keep my fish healthy?
Q: I have 1 male fighter2 male guppies2 tiger barbs 1 golden barb2 sunset platy2 honey gouramiIm building them up slowly dont wanna add a large amount at once.What can you feed them thats different to regular fish food? I keep hearing people say peas and worms surely thats not for my fish aswell is it?What can I do to the water? What about small water changes would they help?
A: Here is where you will have some potential problems. Tiger barbs nip fins of other fish and so do guppies. Your male fighter might have a rough time. Try to get more tiger barbs to reduce the nipping and keep it among themselves. Plenty of food at the fish store. Flakes being the common one. Brine shrimp and blood worms are a good treat. Water changes once a week 25percent with a 30-40percent at the end of the month.
What foods help you feel your best?
Q: I’m a soon to graduate college student with not so great eating habits. I eat too much fast food and I’m ready to start eating better because i feel sluggish and crappy all the time. I know it’s time to change and I wanna know what foods I can eat/stop eating that will improve my health, keep me alert, regular and feeling good.
A: You’re about to graduate college and you don’t know a single thing about which foods are healthy and nutritious? Take a nutrition class.
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