What is an osteo surgeon

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An “osteo surgeon” is a surgeon who practices osteopathy, which is an approach to healthcare that emphasizes the role of the musculoskeletal system in health and disease. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-osteo-surgeon ]
More Answers to “What is an osteo surgeon
What is an osteo surgeon
An “osteo surgeon” is a surgeon who practices osteopathy, which is an approach to healthcare that emphasizes the role of the musculoskeletal system in health and disease.

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Hand pain, wrist pain and general swelling!?
Q: Hi – i have a condition no doctors have been able to solve, which i have had since birth. I have tried to research it, however the closest i can get to describing it is like having ganglions which migrate – which i know isn’t possible, but it’s very similar. I have extremely swollen hands which i had an operation when i was younger to see if that would rectify, however the surgeon said that all i had was normal synovial fluid where it should be – nothing further. So it was like my tendons were getting inflamed for no reason other than they were just inflamed.Many other doctors have said that extra movement would make the condition worse as in Tenosynovitis, however this is totally incorrect as movement actually improves it if i can push through the pain. The pain is pretty constant, but i don’t notice it as i’ve always had it. It feels a bit like a continuous sprain, which sometimes is much better and sometimes i can’t move my hands until i pummel them into it!The thing that’s baffled me today and why i’m asking if anyone has encountered something similar is that my usual ganglion puffyness which is restricted to wrists and fingers has suddenly manifest in the LH centre of my right palm which is rather painful. This is something i’ve never had before. I’m currently in the throes of a bad cold – and i have noted stress and illness links to flare ups. Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritis have been ruled out… As have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Duputreyns and Tenosynovitis. Any ideas what i might have?
A: If stress and illness are linked to flare ups then my guess is that it is a nervous system disorder, caused by anxiety and stress. Make an appointment to see someone who specialises in Neurology, (A neurologist) for a second opinion.Try massaging some cold pressed oil, such as Linseed,Sunflower,or Almond oil, into your arms, wrists, and hands, for pain relief. I am sure it will work as I have used it with success. I use it in the form of LSA oil and it is sold by a New Zealand brand called Healtheries. Just remember whatever you put on your skin, gets absorbed into it, and this contains all natural cold pressed ingredients that contain Omega 3,6,and 9. Its all good!Try alternative medicine, such as naturopathy,osteopathy,aromatherapy, and chiropractic.
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