What is hurler syndrome

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Hurler syndrome is a rare, inherited disease of metabolism in which a person cannot break down long chains of sugar molecules. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-hurler-syndrome ]
More Answers to “What is hurler syndrome
Hurler syndrome is a rare, inherited disease of metabolism in which a person cannot break down long chains of sugar molecules called glycosaminoglycans (formerly called mucopolysaccharides). Hurler syndrome belongs to a group of diseases ca…
Hurler syndrome is a metabolic disease that is quite rare and genetically inherited. The main problem in Hurler syndrome is that individuals cannot break down sugar, particularly the long sugar chains known as glycosaminoglycans. Hurler syn…
Hurler syndrome is a rare, inherited disease of metabolism in which a person cannot break down long chains of sugar molecules called glycosaminoglycans (formerly called mucopolysaccharides).

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the statistics of the hurler syndrome? ?
Q: I need numbers (1 in 1,000,000 etc) and a source. Where you got it?
A: It has been estimated that in British Columbia, 1 in 100,000 babies born would have Hurler. The estimate for Scheie is 1 in 500,000, births and for Hurler/Scheie it is 1 in 115,000. There is an estimate in the United States that 1 in 25,000 births will result in some form of MPS.
what is the chromosome order with someone with hurler syndrome?
Q: its happens with the the fourth chromosome
A: The fourth chromosome is the fourth largest in order of size. The disorder is a genetic deficiency of alpha-L iduronidase, which is an enzyme found in the lysosomes of cells which breaks down compounds such as dermatan sulfate and heparan sulfate. This occurs because the IDUA gene which codes for the enzyme is faulty so it cannot be used to make a working enzyme. I’m not entirely sure what the question is asking, if this is not what you need could you please be a bit more specific?
what is hurler syndrome and who and why gave it this name? please answer as many as you can.?
A: Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS disorders) are a group of rare genetic disorders caused by the deficiency of one of ten specific lysosomal enzymes, resulting in an inability to metabolize complex carbohydrates (mucopolysaccharides) into simpler molecules. The accumulation of these large, undegraded mucopolysaccharides in the cells of the body causes a number of physical symptoms and abnormalities.Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (MPS I) is a form of MPS caused by a deficiency of the enzyme alpha-L-iduronidase. The most severe form of MPS I is often called Hurler syndrome (or MPS IH). It is named for the physician, Gertrud Hurler, who first described the disorder in 1919. A milder form of MPS I is called Scheie syndrome (or MPS IS), and the name Hurler-Scheie (MPS IH/S) is sometimes applied to an intermediate form that does not fit clearly in either the milder or more severe category.
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