Why did coke soda used to have cocaine in it

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Coca Cola was initially sold as a patent medicine for five cents a glass at soda fountains, which were Pemberton claimed Coca-Cola cured many diseases, including morphine addiction, dyspepsia, neurasthenia, headache, and impotence. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-did-coke-soda-used-to-have-cocaine-in-it ]
More Answers to “Why did coke soda used to have cocaine in it
Did the soda coke contain actual cocain?
It used to (in the late 1800s/early 1900s), but hasn’t for a very long time. Coke (the drink) is short for Coca-cola, not just cola. The name came from the extract of coca leaves and kola nuts.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why does everyone seem to think coca cola used to put cocaine in their product?
Q: 99% of people actually believe it but how stupid do you have to be? first of all cocaine is not effective orally, secondly putting an 8-ball of coke (70$ street value) in a dollar can? wtf. lastly if they did put pure uncut blow in the soda, where are all these mass production drug labs? so yea why do people keep on believing this nonsenseeven the sources you gave say the amount was “undetermined” so where are the official tests? i still don’t understand even putting extracted coca leaves wouldn’t do anything at all in a drink lol its not like freebasing or mainlining coke but w/e
A: Because they did
Why do young black men in housing projects and ghettos think smoking pot and coke doesn’tmake you a crackhead?
Q: I live in Charleston South Carolina and quit using cocaine over a year ago and I’ve always wondered why black guys think that aslong as they only smoke cocaine in in powder form mixed with weed then there not the same thing as some crackhead who smokes crack from a pipe. It sounds stupid to me. Most people I know don’t care much for anyone who smokes crack because there untrustworthy and shady. I use to work at a warehouse with a bunch of black guys and some of them would talk about how they smoke weed with cocaine and about them selling crack all of them flatly denie that they would ever smoke crack asif it was stupid to do so yet they smoke cocaine powder with weed. The only differnce is that crack has baking soda so can someone expailn this. Why does it seem that black guys are cursed with the inability to use “higher level thinking?:”in reply to lexdiamond who saidyou’re accusing black people of being “cursed with the inability to use higher level thinking”and yet you were a crackhead 12 months ago.I was not a crackhead I only used drug rarely and I’ve never been an “addict”I’ve never stolen anything for drugs. I work for my money and I’d never use cocaine more than 1 or 2 times a week and sometimes not even that. most people don’t even believe that I’ve ever done drugs because I’m not the typical stereotype of a druggie.because I still manage to pay my bills and drive a nice car and live in a nice place and make good money.in reply to NATALIE who saysYou can’t smoke coke, only crack! when people put coke on weed they don’t get high from the coke. People might experience a placebo affect, but they really don’t get high.Wrong you’ve cited your source of this claim as being from college studies and not from personal experiance. Cocaine can be smoked in powder form and it’s done so by putting it in the tip of a cigarette or mixed with weed. This is a huge problem in the urban areas of the southeast. if smoking cocaine didn’t make people high then there wouldn’t be so many addicts who give all there money away for this crap.
A: if u use pothow r u a crackhead??????
What’s the difference between crack and cocaine?
Q: I know that crack is just baking soda and water added to cocaine. What I’m wondering is how the two affect your body differently and why is crack considered so much worse than cocaine? No, i have no intentions of using either. Just curious- Is it the actual smoking of the crack that makes it worse? In-depth answers will win the 10pts!Keep in mind I’m wondering how each one feels, and the ACTUAL affects they have on the body. I know that one is considered for poor people and the other for rich…. but, if they’re the same thing, why are they perceived so differently? Is the high shorter with crack? Oh! one more question… why do coke heads move their lips around like they’re chewing something. I’ve seen a couple people do this.I was really hoping someone who has actually done it would answer my question…. I guess it’s wishful thinking considering those people are all out getting high. I asked the question b/c I just started dating this guy who does it. I always knew he snorted the shit… then recently he pulled out the pipe. I just feel defeated and don’t know what to do. Thats why I wanted to know the difference.
A: after coke is turned into crack it’s not as concentrated. it’s cracked so you can smoke it which gives you a better rush (bang in the head) than snorting it. the problem is after the first bang you don’t get the same affect next time so you use more and more. it’s called chasing the high. part of the coke is replaced by baking soda so crack is much more profitable to the dealer. the mouth movement is common. it’s caused by the anesthetic effect to nerves in the mouth.both coke and crack have a short high with crack being a little shorter.hard to describe the high. when it first hits it’s like your brain opening up to your surroundings sort of a supper light headed feeling. then you feel like you could run all night at top speed – which you can if you have enough dope. it creates a feeling of extreme well being. least that’s what it says in the book.
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