What is the specific animal that carries the MoSt diseases in the world

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Central United States histoplasmosis is the most widespread fungal disease diagnosed in dogs but all animals carry diseases. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-specific-animal-that-carries-the-most-diseases-in-the-world ]
More Answers to “What is the specific animal that carries the MoSt diseases in the world
What is the specific animal that carries the MoSt diseases in the…?
Central United States histoplasmosis is the most widespread fungal disease diagnosed in dogs but all animals carry diseases.

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Refusing to give this girl’s brother a deadly treatment, now everyone hates me?
Q: I’m a child prodigy/scientist who’s currently attending a very prestigious private university located in an isolated island in the middle of the pacific. I’m currently researching new medicine techniques in the school’s laboratory, specifically gene therapy. Well there this hot, popular girl at school whom every guy drools over and adores. If she’s sad, everyone’s sad, if she’s happy, everyone’s happy. If she hates someone, that person because becomes public enemy #1 and if she likes someone, all the guys stare at the person in envy. Of course I couldn’t care less of what the conformist society of my school thinks of each other.So one day her older brother, who also attends this university and is absolutely beloved by all the girls at school just as his sister is, went into respiratory and cardiac arrest due to a very rare genetic disease that can only activate if two parents have the gene for the disease. The entire school is crying over it and the word gets out that he will die in two months. Well the disease was too rare to catch so no one even bothers to find a solution and every scientist she tries to contact will refuse to waste their time on such a rare disease. So the girl comes up to me and ask if I can do anything to find a cure seeing as how I am working on gene therapy. I was having a god complex at the time and told her that my time is too precious to research such an insignificant disease for one insignificant person and the next day, the entire school was waiting outside ready to hang me unless I tried to find a cure.Most of the kids at school either got in here because their parents are big shot money makers or if the kid is a child prodigy. In her case, its the former so her parents hired some scientists for me to boss around and eventually we found a way to alter an incredibly deadly virus to carry a specific gene in order to repair the dysfunctional gene in her brother’s DNA. We experimented with some animals, but received no positive results. Many of the animals died because the virus was so deadly, and I would have used a different virus if this one didn’t do its job so incredibly well, bypassing the immune system, surviving to the point that it can get into the cell, ease of altering the genetic sequence once inside the cell, etc.So her brother will die in three weeks and request that I use the gene therapy on her brother which I refused because it can kill him. “Its not that I care about the life of other people, let alone their feelings. If that were the case I would immediately apply the gene therapy not caring for whether he lived or died as long as you get out of my face” I told her, “but my reputation as a scientist will be ruined and I will never be able to get a career as a scientist in the future.”She ran off crying and now the entire school wants me dead. One day its a swirly in the boy’s restroom, and the next, its getting jumped by the football team. I DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE THIS FROM A GROUP OF INFERIOR SUB-HUMAN SCUM! But I have no choice because being in this school means an getting whatever job I want once I graduate. So should I just give her brother the treatment or should I just take the sub-humans’ crap for the next 3 years?BTW, the school and the island is not run by any country and is a separate state due to a decision by the UN and its sole purpose is to run a prestigious university to educate gifted people, or rich, from all over the world. So there is no FDA or medical laws or laws for prescribing medicine or anything like that.And no this is not made up!!!!!!!!
A: Well, I must say first that this is a far-fetched story…but I am willing to give my opinion because I don’t think you would waste your time coming up with an elaborate story as such, just to get your giggles.I think you have that right not to treat him because it could ruin your career if something goes wrong. I don’t think she understands the consequences. She is only looking out for her best interest and not that of yours or even her brothers. She placed a lot of pressure on you which is not fair on your part. This school can’t be that sophisticated if they base their every action off this girl as if they are being hypnotized. If you ask me, sounds like a high school, but I digress…If you are truly a scientist, then why not do the proper testing on the boy, maybe get some of his blood and see how your studies could possibly save him. I know you are pressed for time, but what may seem like a rare disease now, could eventually grow into an epidemic. People probably thought the same thing about cancer and look at it now. Everyone knows some one who went through cancer. Finding a cure to this rare disease could help future people. Don’t let the word rare fool you. It can only be rare for a certain amount of time until this gene becomes more prominent in many others.I would at least try, because you never know, you might be able to same him, but you will save the many people after him. I think you can do it, scientists go through difficulties and triumphs. If you know for 100% fact that it WILL kill him then explain that to her and don’t do it. If you are not sure, then think about it. Time is a virtue but this is life and your not God so all you can do is try.
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