What is wrong with you if you have diarrhea and it is clear

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Acute diarrhea is usually related to a bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection. Chronic diarrhea is usually related to functional disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-wrong-with-you-if-you-have-diarrhea-and-it-is-clear ]
More Answers to “What is wrong with you if you have diarrhea and it is clear
What is wrong with you if you have diarrhea and it is clear?
Acute diarrhea is usually related to a bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection. Chronic diarrhea is usually related to functional disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease.

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Any ideas what’s wrong with my dog’s tummy? (diarrhea/loose slimy stool)?
Q: My dog’s had (7 month old female) very loose little slimy stool for the past day. She poops much MORE than usual and the poop has shape when it falls out, but when I pick it up it’s mush. She is no less energetic than usual, still has an appetite, playful… everything’s fine other than her BMs. Just wondering if there’s anyone who might have an idea?I know dogs sometimes just get diarrhea and it’ll clear up on it’s own, but just always feel better asking.Oh, and please. If you’re going to answer saying “Take her to the vet” “wow, I guess if you cared you’d take her to the vet” “emergency vet you go” just save it. I’m not asking you if I should take my dog to the vet or not. I’m not stupid; I love my dog; if things don’t clear up by the next morning I will call my vet and tell him what’s going on and ask if we should come in.Thanks guys! :)Thank you all so much for your insight. I know it wasn’t a very specific ailment, but I really appreciate your input and your lack of uppiddiness in your answers. Really.The last time I posted a question about my dog (a long time ago) I was met with a lot of non-answers that basically just insinuated that I was a poor father and didn’t care about my puppy girl.She only pooped one more time tonight and it was pretty solid. More solid than today so she’s got til tomorrow morning before we call the vet. :)I’ll keep you posted
A: Well, I know that puppy stomachs are very very sensitive, so a number of things could have set off her runny stools…Like you said before, if it doesn’t clear up within the next few days I would call the vet and make an appointment. It could be parvo, but it is most likely something else if she is vaccinated…Just make sure to keep her on a strict diet and give her plenty of fluids to help her stay hyrdrated…Diarrhea can dehydrate a puppy very quickly!Good luck! Keep us posted! : )
HELP! I don’t know what’s wrong with my pet rat…??
Q: Hi everybody.I own two male rats that I got from the exact same litter. Both were about the same size when I brought them home. It’s been about 3 months, and one of the rats is literally twice the size of the other one. He is also much heavier. The smaller one almost seems too skinny.They always have food in their cage at all times, and I know for a fact that the bigger one is not hogging the food. I’ve also noticed that the smaller one does not seem to be acting right….his eyes and nose are clear, but he seems to have diarrhea that was all over his tale and back end. I bathed him and dried him off and the whole time I was holding him, he was very quiet and didn’t seem to have a lot of energy. My other rat, on the other hand, is extremely rambunctious and playful. I read somewhere that he could be sick if his hair is standing up on his back like a cat??? Has anybody every heard of that? Please help me and tell me what you think.
A: I can think of 4 things that this could be:Failure to thrive, indicated by the poor growth since bringing them home, the inability to put on weight even though he eats well, fatigue, are some of the symptoms of heart disease.http://www.ratfanclub.org/resp.htmlhttp://ratguide.com/health/cardiovascular/congestive_heart_failure.phpIf this is the case it would mean that he had a bad heart from birth, and it’s now catching up with him. It would be genetic.Diarrhea can be as be as benign as a reaction to some food that he ate or as concerning as a bowel infection. http://search.yahoo.com/search?search=rat+guide+diarrhea&ei=UTF-8&fr=ks-ans&ico-yahoo-search-value=http%3A%2F%2Frds.yahoo.com%2F_ylt%3DAi4B_UrrDTUHH8FyDOhsFxwazKIX%3B_ylv%3D0%2FSIG%3D11ivjs16n%2FEXP%3D1190326281%2F*-http%253A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fsearch&ico-wikipedia-search-value=http%3A%2F%2Frds.yahoo.com%2F_ylt%3DAu1fQCETwoPEmJgGI1DXH.4azKIX%3B_ylv%3D0%2FSIG%3D121vdghgl%2FEXP%3D1190326281%2F*-http%253A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FSpecial%253aSearch&p=rat+guide+diarrheaInternal infection that has gone septic.Mycoplasmosishttp://search.yahoo.com/search?search=Mycoplasmosis+in+rats&ei=UTF-8&fr=ks-ans&ico-yahoo-search-value=http%3A%2F%2Frds.yahoo.com%2F_ylt%3DAi4B_UrrDTUHH8FyDOhsFxwazKIX%3B_ylv%3D0%2FSIG%3D11iplacjk%2FEXP%3D1190316720%2F*-http%253A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fsearch&ico-wikipedia-search-value=http%3A%2F%2Frds.yahoo.com%2F_ylt%3DAu1fQCETwoPEmJgGI1DXH.4azKIX%3B_ylv%3D0%2FSIG%3D121i507kb%2FEXP%3D1190316720%2F*-http%253A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FSpecial%253aSearch&p=Mycoplasmosis+in+ratsEach of these requires a vet’s diagnosis and medication.DO NOT separate the boys. Even if it’s Myco, Myco is not contagious like a cold is. Right now the healthy boy is a comfort to his sick cage mate. By separating the sick boy you will send both of them into a depression where the sick boy’s condition could deteriorate due to this isolation. Female rats are indeed prone to cancer, male rats less so. spazrats”my life has gone to the rats”
What’s wrong with my stomach? Is it a virus? ?
Q: Okay, so Sunday morning, I woke up feeling queasy, and soon afterward I puked clear yellow bile three times in a row, all within the span of two hours. I still felt queasy and weak all day, and I had no appetite.On Monday morning, at 3:30 AM (I couldn’t sleep, I felt so sick), I had my final barf, and after that I felt much better. But I still felt sick and weak all day, and I had no appetite for any food.Now, today, I’ve had diarrhea since this morning. I still have it. My stomach is constantly churning, and as soon as I go, I feel like I have to go again. I took some imodium, but it has yet to take effect.I get tired just from standing up, but I think that’s just due to my not eating more than one meal a day. I’ve already missed two days of school, so I really need to know, does anyone know what’s wrong with me? Do I have a virus? Or does it sound like food poisoning? And if you so know, can you tell me what to expect next? Should I just go to a doctor?God, my stomach hurts…
A: You should definitely go see a doctor. I recommend you eat something. It will probably make you feel sick again but throwing up food is better that throwing up stomach acid. I have no idea where you live….probably not near me…which is NSW Australia. But anyway, there is a virus bug thing going around that cause you to throw up and have diarrhea.I could be food poisoning but you would probably be bed ridden by now and it hurts like hell in the tummy area.I have no idea what you would expect next but if your condition seems to be getting worse I advise you to skip seeing a doctor and go straight to the hospital. If no one is there with you and no one can get there quick enough call the ambulance. You might think its not worth it but it could be. Make sure you tell the ambulance exactly whats been happening.You’re welcome….
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