What rhymes with isabella

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Words like Cinderella, umbrella, and novella rhyme with Isabella. And even diseases like salmonella and rubella all rhyme! Chacha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-rhymes-with-isabella ]
More Answers to “What rhymes with isabella
Does Bella rhyme with Arizona?
No. Bella ends in ‘ella’ and Arizona ends in ‘ona’. It’s more like a half rhyme.

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names that rhyme with sophia isabella?
Q: I have a 7 mth old baby girl named sophia Isabella.. were ttcing for another baby and if it’s a baby girl again we are thinking of the name Ophelia Isadora?? does that ryhme close enough? if it’s a boy it wont be a name that ryhmes it will be john paul but if we have another girl we wat them to match sortawhat other names would ryhme with sophia isabella?
A: Sophia Isabella & Maria Gabriella?
Debating between two names, any input? ?
Q: My hubby and I are debating between two baby names. Its either gonna be Isabella Estrella, and Estrella does not rhyme, its pronounced est-rae-ya. It means beautiful star. Or Saraiah Rain, which Saraiah is a biblical name and my hubby just really likes the way Rain sounds with it. My sons name is Elijah so staying with the biblical theme would be nice but I have always loved Isabella, although now its so popular Im not sure I want to do it anymore. What do you think?I dont think that it really matters that the middle name is too hard to pronounce, not many people have to say your middle name. Im not crazy about isabellE…just isabellA.
A: Isabelle Saraiah sounds cute
Narrowed it down, what do you think?
Q: So, here’s a more precise list of what we’re looking for in baby names. What do you vote for? (Our last name starts with R and rhymes with “premiere”)Chloe SerenaChloe McKennaChloe IsabellaChloe Alexia (too many vowel sounds??)Ethan ParkerEthan PorterEthan CarterI think we’re pretty settled on the first names… just need middle name ideas! Thanks so much…Wow, thanks for all the input!! You guys rock!
A: My favorites from your list are Chloe Isabella and Ethan Carter.Ethan is one of my favorite names for a boy.
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