What was the columbian exchange during the slave trade

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Describes the widespread exchange of plants, animals, foods, slaves, diseases, and ideas between the East and West after 1492. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-was-the-columbian-exchange-during-the-slave-trade ]
More Answers to “What was the columbian exchange during the slave trade
What was the columbian exchange during the slave trade
Describes the widespread exchange of plants, animals, foods, slaves, diseases, and ideas between the East and West after 1492.
Is the atlantic slave trade the same as the columbian exchange??
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*WILL GIVE 20 POINTS!!!* World History Help Please!?
Q: Heyy, yall. I really need help in history! I have researched my questions and the answers with the * next to them is what my researched answer is. Although, if I am wrong please correct me. I will give you 20 point by asking another random/stupid question that you can answer, and I’ll give you 10 points best answer here and 10 points best answer there. Any answers you can give I am greatful for. I’m desperate! Please Help!!! Thanks^_^As the Europeans explored the Americas, they would encounter new plants, animals, and diseases. All of the following plants and animals would have been new to Europeans EXCEPT cacao (chocolate). *pumpkins. horses. tobacco. Select the correct statement regarding the slave trade. The Middle Passage was the leg of the triangular trade in which African slaves were transported from Africa to the Americas. African slaves were marched from the interior of Africa to the dungeons located along the coast. African slaves were confined to tight quarters in the slave ships where they were forced to lay in feces and urine for the entire 2 to 4 month journey to the Americas. *all of the above Which two key figures of the Reformation were from Switzerland, where Anabaptists were persecuted for their beliefs in adult baptism, the abolition of private property, and the ability to take more than one wife? Martin Luther and John Calvin Ulrich Zwingli and Martin Luther *John Calvin and Ulrich Zwingli Ulrich Zwingli and Henry VIII The triangular trade took place across the Pacific Ocean, exchanging goods between India, Mexico, and Japan. True *False Which of the following statements is NOT true about John Calvin and his reform efforts? His beliefs differed from the Lutherans as he believed that salvation was a gift from God. Calvinists wore simple black clothes. Calvinist churches did not contain statues, stained glass, or incense. *Calvinist churches were filled with music. What were indulgences, as practiced prior to the Reformation? The Catholic Church permitted the eating of meat on Fridays if paid a specific sum of money. The Church allowed only men to eat cake and other sweets, forbidding the luxury to women and children. *A religious figure pardoned one’s sins and could reduce the amount of time in purgatory if money was paid to the Church. There was no such practice of selling indulgences. Europeans brought sheep, chicken, sugar, coffee, and citrus fruits to the Americas during the Columbian Exchange. They also brought over influenza and the common cold, which killed many of the Native Americans. *True False Which of the following was NOT one of the effects of the Reformation efforts? * There was a renewed interest in education. Marriages became public affairs, giving more rights to women. Convents were no longer open to Protestant women. The Catholic Church started selling indulgences. Again please help anyway possible! No, I’m not trying to get out of work for those of you that will say something like that. I simply need you to check my work..I don’t want to submit it wrong. And I have my researched answers posted. Thanks again ^_^
A: 1. Horses, Europeans took horses to conquer the Americas, the natives thought they were riding giant deer. Horses are common in Europe. 2.all of the above 3.John Calvin and Ulrich Zwingli 4.*False it was the Atlantic5.*Calvinist churches were filled with music. 6.*A religious figure pardoned one’s sins and could reduce the amount of time in purgatory if money was paid to the Church.7. True8. Education was popular with the reformers, it allowed more people to read the Bible.
Can you answer any of these? (History) Preferably number 32 please? :(?
Q: 32.Why did mercantilism lead to intense competition between nations for wealth during the 1500s and 1600s?33.How did mercantilism affect European colonization of other parts of the world?34.What was the triangular trade?35.How did the slave trade affect Africa?36.How did slavery benefit the American colonies?37.Name three reasons explorers set out from Europe in the 1400s and 1500s.38.How did exploration of North America benefit France?39.What were some positive effects of the Columbian Exchange?40.Describe the rise of capitalism due to increased trade.
A: 32. In this time period countries believed that the true power of a nation was based on its wealth, and Mercantilism was the strategy of trying to build strength by accumulating wealth and buillon form other countries via favorable trading or warfare. 33. European nations wanted to colonize places with resources that they could exploit by trading them for items they needed and acquiring greater wealth, or by keeping the resources so they wouldn’t be dependent upon trade with other countries for those resources. 34. Triangular trade was the trade between Africa, the Americas and Europe. 35. slaves where one of Africa’s most valuable trading resources, that helped keep them as a central part of the triangular trade. 36. It provided labor so that they could harvest the resources of the area and keep them as part of the triangular trade. Sugarcane is very labor intensive, and after most of the natives died quickly to European disease they needed another labor source.37. Wealth, Fame, Religious Reasons (searching for lost tribe of Israel / garden of eden ect. )38. It allowed France to gain huge new tracts of land, and they were able to tap into the fur trade which was very important at the time.39. New foods were exchanged, wealth changed hands which lead to increase in capitalism, ideas were exchanged, knowledge was learned as cultures shared ideas, new technology was developed (such as sailing techniques) 40. As trade increased, traders and investors became more and more interested in protecting their ventures and trying to make favorable decessions to further increase their wealth. Also with more traders and investors getting involved in trade the number of options and competition in the market place increased. This is important to the development and growth of capitalism.
World History???????????????????
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A: are many questions … I can not afford … I suggest you search on google
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