What Whats the leading cause of death in the u.s. <3

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Heart disease with over 650,000 deaths per year. 2nd is cancer with over 550,000 deaths per year. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-whats-the-leading-cause-of-death-in-the-u.s.-%3C3 ]
More Answers to “What Whats the leading cause of death in the u.s. <3
What is the leading cause of death in the us
Coronary Calcium Scoring Coronary aretery disease is the leading cause of death in the US
What is the leading cause of preventable death in the us??
Leading cause of death A bad life style is the answer. Our fate is determined by heredity, luck and life style. The last is the only that we can change. The most important tips to a healthy style of life is: no smoke primary or secondary, m…
What is the second leading cause of death in the US
In the United States and Canada cancer ranks as the second leading cause of death, exceeded only by heart disease. ChaCha!

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: Okay. Yes this is not a question. It is to inform.STOP worrying about thsi damn swine flu. No one in America has died. No one in Canada has died. All the deaths have happened IN Mexico.Want to hear some random facts?Influenza is basically an extreme upper respiratory infection, and, by itself, is rarely fatal. But it can lead to deadly complications, such as pneumonia. About 36,000 Americans die from flu complications every year.Swine flu is caused by a virus similar to the type of flu virus that, in various forms, infects people every year, but is a strain typically found only in pigs — or in people who have direct contact with pigs.Look. The normal flu kills a lot of people a year. AMERICANS. And it’s contagious, very.So why are you worrying so much of the swine flu? It’s typically the same disease of the normal flu.A direct quote from CNN.com”and the U.S. hasn’t had that many cases yet.”Yet you all are saying “OMGZ I HAS PIG FLU?”No, you probably don’t. Precautions:Wash your hands before eating, sticking things in your mouth such as gum, etc.Use a mask if an outbreak does happen. It blocks the germs.Your probably not going to die in America if you have the swine flu.Mexico isn’t a terrible country – don’t get that idea from this but they are in crappy enviroments. They don’t have that great of healthcare. It’s just the way things are.So before you start worrying, think about what happens in Mexico and whats happening where you live.Thanks.You guys are mighty welcome.The media is ruining your minds. If someone did die in Cali, then I apologize, I’m just posting what I read off CNN.com. Don’t worry until you HAVE a reason to worry guys. (=
A: UhmmJust pointing out someone in cali died.EDITTOoops it was actually texas lol
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