Why would a 19 year old feel like their body is older than it is

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There are many reasons a 19 year old might feel older physically. Lack of sleep, abuse of the body, and disease or conditions like arthritis can make you feel older. You only get one body – it pays to take care of it. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-would-a-19-year-old-feel-like-their-body-is-older-than-it-is ]
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Why would a 19 year old feel like their body is older than it is?
There are many reasons a 19 year old might feel older physically. Lack of sleep, abuse of the body, and disease or conditions like arthritis can make you feel older. You only get one body – it pays to take care of it.

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Why is it I that I cant seem to get a hot girl I am interested in?
Q: O.k, well first off, if you are going to be little to no use, please don’t reply! Well my question is pretty obvious based on what the topic title is. Why is it I that I cant seem to get a hot girl I am interested in? I am a good looking guy, I am 19 years old, about 5 ‘ 7 1/2 average height, not PERFECT looking since nobody is perfect, but I DO consider myself good looking, I have confidence, a great personality and a athletic body. But yet, I never can seem to get a girl to like me, yea I get it its not ALL about looks, but listion, I have tried to get girls that it’s always this case: They think their too good to even bother talking/looking at you, or they already have a boyfriend, or you talk to them cool and smooth one day, next day they act like they dont know you! I hate the feeling of being rejected, I have not let it get to me because I have good confidence within who I am, I am not a cocky a-hole, and I dont see myself as “Mr. Niceguy” either, I hold my ground, why is it that every girl I am interested never notices me? I try and get their attention but it feels like its a auto fail every time. Yet I am at work and I see all these LOSERS getting their game, having their attention, and I think to myself “What on EARTH do they have that i dont have??” I am a well rounded guy, good sense of humor, open, and honest with people, I got confidence, but I am not over confident, I know I am not perfect, but still it feels like im never gonna be good enough to get a girl i am interested in! I dont want to lower my standards, I am kind of picky, but who isnt!? I cant stand seeing the same guys over and over always getting the girls, and than their is me just wanting ONE CHANCE yet it seems like I never get the opportunity, it seems like their is always that “BETTER” guy out their that you have to ‘compete’ with , I hate when you pass by a hot girl and they give you ZERO eye contact, no facial expression, no emotion like they dont notice you, but YET how the heck are all these other guys getting them, yet when I try to talk to them I feel weary already that I am gonna get rejected cause im already used to it in most cases. I am good looking, I dont try and over do it, I got a great personality, good sense of humor, and im not too shy either, I just feel like “What is WRONG with me ?” sometimes because I feel like I dont get the attention I need sometimes. I just love it when your around a cute girl, she acknowledges you, conversates with you, and doesnt act “Stuck up”, you know it cant be all on me to do “all the talking” it has to be fair on both ends, I hate feeling as if im the only one that is interested. I gotta feel the same. I try and approach a girl as a friend most of the time because I understand it takes time for a girl to know u, and it never works whne you approach them like a piece of meat, I am tired of getting turned down, seeing other guys get hot girls like nothing, and yet here is me, feeling like crap at the end of the day that i didnt get anything. im one of the realest guys no lie, I never use this yahoo answers, but I thought I would ask for once, please give me real answers, nothing simple or ignorant. p.s sometimes I get so lonely I am tired of it 🙁
A: you dont seem like you’re a bad person or there should be a problem getting a girl, but maybe you’re just going after the wrong stuck up girls who think they are too good for anyone. you’re right we dont like being approached as a “wham, bam, thank you ma’am” type thing, we like to get to know you first. i mean i don’t see where you’re going wrong. maybe its just the kind of girl you are going after. if you need anything email me. <3
Public speaking…edit my speech on banning beauty contests!?
Q: here is my speech..i need to add 1 whole minute to it…please help, comment please and give suggestions:Fashion – the heart of beauty in today’s society and culture. The fashion industry has set expectations for the ideal look of a woman for more than a hundred years, from the days of Marilyn Monroe to 2009’s Katie Price. Fashion has been the driving force setting what society sees as beautiful woman. You cannot open a magazine or turn on the TV without seeing fashion’s idea of a beautiful woman; yet how often do you see a woman who naturally has those looks?For all those beautiful women to show the nation what they’ve got, beauty contests and pageants are held. I feel strongly against these contests and I will now explain why. Firstly I think it’s just disgusting how women show off their body to be judged and excruciatingly cross examined and to hear, ‘ooh too much fat there’ or ‘her face is totally the wrong shape’. Being beautiful isn’t just about what you see. There is more to beauty that meets the eye, like for example the contestants’ behaviour and attitude, their brains and skills. These are the qualities we should look for in a person – not just what’s on the outside. What’s inside counts too.Another reason I want to ban beauty contests is that they set an unreal standard of beauty, lowering average girls’ self esteem. Nearly everything you see is fake. The person either undergoes major surgery or practically starves themselves whilst saying they’re on a ‘diet’. Underneath all the fake smiles and immaculate teeth is probably a soul seething away due to all the attention and stress of the competition. It is degrading to women because they have to parade around in swimsuits. Where is their dignity? Don’t they mind being toyed around and made to show themselves in a disgusting manner?Entrants eventually become obsessed with their looks and every time they look at the mirror all they see is ugly, ugly, ugly. They think everything about them is wrong and they never see who they really are. These are the kind of dangers that we face when entering these pageants. They promote eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia. A study by HMS Woman’s hospital shows that Britain has seen a 25% rise in the number of anorexia cases in the past two years. Women feel that they have to be a size zero to win and to get there they go on their well known unreal diets.I’d like to make the point that these beauty contests will always have some sort of discrimination woven into them. Have you ever realised that everyone you see is always skinny. You never see someone who’s even the slightest bit overweight. The point I’d like to make is this isn’t just happening in beauty contests, everywhere we see, there is discrimination against people who don’t look like some people’s idea of perfect. Take the Beijing Olympics for example. Many of us will have seen the spectacular opening of the Olympics in Beijing. Even though this is technically not a beauty contest there were still forms of discrimination. The little girl who sung at the opening was not the real voice we heard. We actually heard a beautiful voice belonging to a slightly overweight Chinese girl who just didn’t have the looks to go on stage. This is the form of discrimination that we see at these beauty contests. If the odd looking person auditioned and didn’t get in they would forever feel uneasy and insecure over their body. Is this the message we want to be putting across to the younger generation?Another thing I’d like to bring up is child beauty contests. Even if you don’t want to ban normal beauty pageants you just have to ban these. They are so repulsive I don’t know how people can think of it as entertainment. It is a sick way of parading children around in an explicit manner. I mean a 5 year old wearing a tonne of make-up, teetering in high heels and trying to look like she’s 19? This is totally unacceptable. At 18 a girl should be old enough to make the choice. Teenagers who enter now are usually under the pressure of their parents and succumb to depression, eating disorders, sleep disorders, stress, etc. etc. But all for what purpose? To show how pretty they are? Can’t we instil better sense of self into our young women – – or are they only worthy of their ability to provide entertainment with a pretty face?We need to make a change but we cannot do that without your support. We cannot let beauty contests promote beauty over brains. So stand up, take action, be heard and always remember to love your body the way it is! Thank you =)
A: I agree with everything you said, I think its long enough :)good speech!
Why did my mother ruin my mind?
Q: My mother’s behavior and way of parenting had a strong negative impact on some parts of my mental development, specifically my sexual development and the way I perceive the human body.I am a 19-years-old male from Eastern Europe. I have severe kolpophobia. That means that I am afraid of vulvas. The number 1 reason for my phobia is my mother. People would call my fear of vulvas irrational. But I believe it’s rational given what happened to me as a child.Long story short: When I was about 3-years-old I asked my mother “What do women have between their legs?” That’s a perfectly normal question that every little boy asks his parents about. Problem is my mother lied to me. She told me that women have nothing between their legs. When I asked her “Where do they pee from then?” she told me “Through the asshole.”I was a toddler so the though that she may have lied to me didn’t even cross my mind. I believed her because she was my mother. I believed her till I was 12. Then a thought came to my mind “What if women actually have something between their legs?” What ultimately led to me to the conclusion that women have orifices between their legs was TV – in movies they always showed that during childbirth women spread their legs. “That explains everything – women MUST have holes between their legs where babies come from.” Till then I believed that babies come out through the navel – that’s what my mother told me when I was little.Finding out that women have a system of organs I’ve never known about was a huge shock to me. I couldn’t eat and sleep normally for months. I fell into despair and depression. It was the first severe personal crisis I had in my life. I hated my mother so, SO much. I wanted to kill her. Not only did I want her to die, I wanted to die too.Because of the fact that I didn’t find out about vaginas when I had to (till I was still a toddler) but at the age of 12 instead, I started experiencing a huge fear to female genitals. I’m still afraid of them.I’m not a professional psychologist or anything like that, but I dare to say that I know quite much about psychology. One of the things I know is that in order for people to perceive the human body as something normal, they must learn about the basics of male and female bodies while they are still little kids. But that’s not the case with me, so now I feel semirational fear of vaginas.I am afraid of the bodies of practically 50% of the world population. But there’s nothing I can do about it, it’s not my fault. It’s my mother’s fault. She says she hid the truth from me because “she wanted to preserve my innocence”. But I have no idea what’s wrong with little boys knowing the truth about the female genitals. I realize she didn’t intend to hurt me, but that’s what she ultimately did after all. Because of her ignorance and idiocy my mind is scarred for life. I’ll never forgive her what she did to me.I am asexual. I’m not planning to have sex ever. That’s not a problem for me though – I don’t like sex and just don’t want to have it. Problem is, my kolpophobia has a strong impact on my everyday life. I find it hard to have contact with women. Example: I am biromantic. I can fall in love with women and men. I’ve never been in a relationship with anyone, but I’d like to. Problem is, if that’s a woman, I’ll be afraid of her genitalia. I mean, I will want to show her my affection to her – I’ll want to hug her, to cuddle with her and do other physical non-sexual things. But every time I hug her I’ll think “Ewww… I am so close to her vagina… I’m afraid of her genitalia…”Please notice that I’m not a misogynist. I don’t hate women – I actually like them very much. I love how emotional and gentle women can be (that’s why I fall in love with women much more often than with men). I love women’s personalities and bodies. I love everything in the female body except the vulva.My question to you is has this happened to you or to someone you know? How did you/they solve this problem? What can I do? (These questions are rather rhetorical – I believe there is nothing that can be done to solve my problem. It’s way too late.) I don’t believe my problem can be solved, but at least I can tell other people about the pain I feel. :'(@filip: “Asexuality might be a way of life for people which are not that interested in sex.”Well, I identify myself as asexual because I don’t experience sexual desire to anyone or anything. NOT because I am afraid to admit I might be gay.I live in an extremely homophobic society. Most Bulgarians are extremely homophobic. When I was younger, the thought that I could’ve been gay really frightened me. But in 2008 I started making research on sex. I learned a lot about it’s physiological and psychological effects. By mid-2008 I ultimately stopped being homophobe and became LGBT supporter. Now I believe that homosexual people must be allowed to be sexually active with people of their gender.I actually am >sort of< bisexual – when I masturbate, I look at or think about women AND men. I am not afraid to admit that I find penises sexually attractive. But anyway, I am sure I am asexual – I hate masturbating, and definitely don’t want to have sex with anyone. I am also antisexual.@Anon: I understand you and feel for you. :'(I myself have several mental disorders – pure OCD, intrusive thoughts and clinical depression, which I treat with fluoxetine. I also have social phobia and some symptoms of mild autism (though not as strong as your Aperger’s, I suppose). I understand what it’s like to live in a society that doesn’t understand your way of behavior and reasoning. It’s hard for us both to live like that. :-/Anyway, I believe that I am right when I say that my mother ruined parts of my mind. I’ll never forgive her.Thanks for sharing your personal story with me. I feel your pain. You are a victim of your mother. If I was you, I would hate her very, very much, bro.@Sir Cairo: “Basically what your trying to ask from us is treatment, or even cure.”No, I’m actually looking for people to feel empathy to me. I need someone to understand my pain. Also, I want to know if there’s anyone who has gone through something like this.Anyway, thank you. :)@Buddhamind: “Maybe you should try hypnosis.”I would resort to hypnosis only when there’s ABSOLUTELY nothing else that could help me.”Can’t you use the fear you have for vulvas to get sexually stimulated?”A women forcing me to look/touch her vulva? That wouldn’t stimulate me at all. That would be some type of psychological masochism and I’m NOT a masochist.On the other hand, I’ve been thinking about exposuring myself to a woman’s vagina. BUT I would do that ONLY if I have complete confidence in her. I wouldn’t do it with a prostitute or something.There is only one woman I can ask about that, though. She knows about my kolpophobia and asexuality, but she will never agree.I mean, this June I thought “Maybe if I ask her to allow me to look at and touch her vagina, I’ll get used to it. If I have an intimate contact with her genitalia, I’ll stop being afraid of vaginas and will stop perceiveing them as something alien.”But she’ll never agree to do that. 🙁
A: This may come as a shock for you but your story is not unusual at all. It is rather your reaction to it which is. The impression I had when I first read the question was: this young man, or boy, is trying to rationalize, even intellectualize everything what comes near to sex with women in order not to have to deal with it.But you do not have to, do you? Asexuality might be a way of life for people which are not that interested in sex. They exist. Being gay -as you say you might be- or bi, is another way of sexuality. But feeding this huge disgust of yours of women’s genitals by giving them horrid names of psychiatric diseases is not going to help you in accepting what you feel. You do not like it. So let it be. Stop focusing on it, because that’s exactly what you are doing. I do not know very well why, maybe because your frightened to death to admit other sexual possibilities like your being attracted to men? I don’t know, but what I do know, is that you are hurting yourself a lot by revealing a basic psychoanalyticalal story of mother-son, and sticking to it.Let it go. What do you really feel sexually, besides the disgust that takes all the place now?I read your question with a lot of attention. I do take it seriously.I wish you the best of luck!
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