Can you get high of of smoking marijuana stems

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse Medicine Treatment .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get high of of smoking marijuana stems”,you can compare them.

No, you shouldn’t smoke marijuana stems. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get high of of smoking marijuana stems
Can smoking a marijuana stem get you high?
Naa, if you have alot of stems i mean alot you could make a tea out of it to get a relaxed buzz. But dont smoke stems lol. Get some bud girl, some headies.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can smoking a marijuana stem get you high?
A: Naa, if you have alot of stems i mean alot you could make a tea out of it to get a relaxed buzz. But dont smoke stems lol. Get some bud girl, some headies.
Can smoking Marijuana Leaves make you slower than marijuana buds?
Q: I recently had some marijuana master k shake(the left over tiny leaves/buds/stems after collecting the big significant buds. I usually take out the stems and smoke the buds/small leaves and it gets me as high as regular weed maybe even more since this batch of marijuana shake was from master k. Well my friend said to stop smoking the leaves cause it makes you slower and less high than the buds. He sounded pretty serious too. So is it really that harmful?
A: If you are depressed guess what it is smoking the above that is making you slow, dopey and depressed, either or. Quit the smoking.
when will THC be out of my system?
Q: I smoked marijuana yesterday. It was honestly 2 stems and a seed or two. I haven’t smoked in 7 months. I didn’t even get high.How can i get it out of my system by Saturday-Sunday?!
A: 2 stems and a seed (or two) won’t get you high, much less show up in a drug test. Seeds have no THC, and stems very little.
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