How can you tell if your high

Health related question in topics Addiction Drug Abuse .We found some answers as below for this question “How can you tell if your high”,you can compare them.

Pleasurable sensations, Relaxation # Distorted perception # Vivid sights # Vivid sounds # Hunger – commonly called the “munchies” [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can you tell if your high
How do you tell if you’re high?’re_high
if your mouth is all sticky and you feel thirsty, thats the pasties. and if you giggle at random things that you normally wouldn’t and if things are “trippy” and “epic” and seem to mean a lot if you think simple moments …
What Is High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure can lead to heart attack, stroke, and a number of other problems. Blood pressure is a measure of the force of the blood against artery walls when the heart beats and rests. It is measured with two numbers. The top number…
What Is High Cholesterol?
Every cell in the human body contains cholesterol. Fatty in nature, cholesterol plays a key role in hormone production, cell production and the construction of membranes. Although our bodies manufacture some of the cholesterol that we need,…

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