Do you study better high

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Not usually. I find that after smoking, most people kind of develop temporary ADD, and the mind may wander from the task at hand. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you study better high
Is senior or junior year of high school better to study abroad??
You may have a problem going in your junior year simply because of timing. It’s late to begin applying for an exchange year — especially if you are interested in scholarships. However, your junior year IS a great time to go. You can often …
Is it better to study abroad in high school or college??
I vote College. people are just so much more open to meeting new people. They don’t stick to cliques like they do in high school. I think you would have a better experience abroad in college.
How To Concentrate Better Whilst Studying In High School?
That is such a hard thing for students to do, concentration, reading; so many things are a muscle that has to be exercised. If I’m just blank without sitting with a blank stare and I’m just listening, it usually doesn’t work. A lot of times…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Any idia about how study better in high school?
Q: I study in a high school and the lessons are too hard and exams are too much. at least 1 big exa a day and 2 Quizes.there is no way, we should study at least 5HOURS to be a good student. unfortunately in all the schools here (Iran) they teach us so many difficault tings. like Orbitals and finding out n, L, p,… cordiante in space in chemical. Im only 15 and need to have fun on the day at least, help me how to study better and with best feed back.thanks
A: i live in canada, Ontario, so my school is different but i do kno that if u listen to music while studying it sort of helps… set aside at least 1 hour in the day to have fun… hang out with you friends, or join a study group with your friends… since i live on the other side of the world, i have never heard of the things yyou are learning…But just join a study group, and take breaks periodlically, baecause it is clinnicly proven that studying 5 hours straight does not help you learn anything…
Is it better to study in a public High School in Canada or?
Q: Is it better to study is a public High School in Canada or Kuwait? Which one do you think a University would like better? -a person who studied in Kuwait or Canada?
A: Hi,First of all, it depends where you want to continue your education.In Kuwait you would need to speak Arabic to attend a government school. There are private schools, though, where you can do your O- and A-levels, or your AB or High School Diploma, but in that case you can probably stay where you are.You can do your High School Diploma in Canada and then find out where it is accepted.
Is it better to study abroad during high school like senior year or college?
Q: Consider the reasons.. such as which is better acidemically such as if i go in college i cant put studying abroad on ym college resume ect….
A: It depends. Studying abroad in high school can never be BAD for your resume — it can only make you look worldly and mature. However, it is very tricky for an American student to study abroad, for a number of reasons. The biggest one is that our education system is not comparable with most others, and odds are high you won’t get any credit, and will have to repeat a year. As such, my advice is either a) work FAR ahead of time with your school and school district and get a GUARANTEE IN WRITING that all your credits will transfer and count towards graduation or b) do it as a “gap year,” after you graduate, but before you apply to/go to college. Academically speaking, a high school year abroad is a double-edged sword. It improves your mind (and self) vastly because you are acquiring a foreign language younger than you would in college, and you’ll certainly come out of it a deeper thinker (IMO). However, I won’t sugar coat it — studying in another country and language is HARD, you likely won’t get the best grades, and what you’ll over there is often NOT comparable to what you’d learn in the States. There’s a gap in my education because I didn’t learn a LICK of Physics when I was in Germany. I don’t care one whit about the sciences, however, and it hasn’t hurt me one bit. But if you don’t repeat your year, you can certainly miss things. Studying abroad DID bring down my GPA, but it also got me into a GOOD school with a full scholarship. I’m happy with it, but it DID shut me out of the Ivy Leagues, FYI. Studying abroad also gave me a proficiency in a language at such a level that NO student who didn’t do what I did can claim — you will never learn a foreign language to a proper level sitting in an American classroom and never immersing yourself in the language. By college, it’s pretty much too late to get even *close* to a fluency level.Only do the high school year if you are COMMITTED to the idea of study abroad, are a TOP student (because otherwise it can hurt, not help), and are prepared for all the challenges. It’s *easier* to do it in college (painless, in fact). That said, being an exchange student in high school was the most valuable experience of my life.
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