What is the best Hallucinogenic Drug to Trip on

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If you want to try some psychedelics, LSD, shrooms or salvia are best because it’s almost impossible to overdose on these drugs. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-hallucinogenic-drug-to-trip-on ]
More Answers to “What is the best Hallucinogenic Drug to Trip on
What’s the best hallucinogenic drug?
In love with this has no love in her whatsoever. There is nothing pathetic or losing about the desire to explore, to enlarge one’s vision, to visit other worlds, to get in touch with one’s highest self, one’s creative vision, one’s spirit. …
What’s the best hallucinogenic drug you’ve ever taken?
watch the south park episode where they all drink cough syrup- it cracks me up! They do it to hallucinate and bring on artistic ideas! I LOVED it!
Does anyone know any good hallucinogenic drugs that are relativel…?
The roots of the Mimosa Pudica AKA (sensitive plant, because it’s leaves fold when touched)contain DMT. Here is another one The thorne apple aka Jimson weed. It grows every where especially the midwest, It produces WHite trumpet shaped flow…

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Q: I want to here about your Hallucinogenic drug trip because I think its interesting hear about but I wouldnt do it myself unless I lived in like the 60’s-70’s
A: Not much. I tried saliva once (still legal). I went to a beach, felt the myst from the waves on my neck. Really way just sweat; saliva makes you sweat a lot.
What’s the best hallucinogenic drug?
Q: Should I get Salvia which is legal? How does it make you feel? Can you have a bad trip? I also wanted to try cough syrup. Can you have a bad trip on cough syrup? How does it make you feel? What about LSD? Shrooms? What are the Pros and Cons of all these drugs?
A: In love with this has no love in her whatsoever. There is nothing pathetic or losing about the desire to explore, to enlarge one’s vision, to visit other worlds, to get in touch with one’s highest self, one’s creative vision, one’s spirit. I loved acid, and took hundreds of hits of it when I lived in Greece. I am unsure of it nowadays b/c I hear from my son and his friends that it is completely different and tainted now, and that it can be extremely dangerous to buy it from people you don’t know. I also LOVE shrooms, and have never once had a bad experience with them. IMHO, the best place to use shrooms is nature, out in the forest, near or by water and with friends playing music. I still vividly remember all my shroom experiences even now 20+ years later. Haven’t used cough syrup to get high. Have some serious questions about that, to say nothing about what all the sugars and artificial chems would do to my blood sugars. If your going to do acid, 1) Be sure about the person selling it to you. 2) Start w/ a half tab, and work your way up from there. 3) Put yourself into an extremely safe place first. I found out about this the hard way b/c I went to a party. I am not fond of seeing demons when I trip and watching formerly beautiful women morph into the monsters they are internally before my very eyes…not a good plan if you want to enjoy yourself. Not particularly safe emotionally, psychically or spiritually, either. Set your space w/ clear, clear intention, and even then prepare yourself for what can happen. You’re kidding yourself if you think you have complete control. The natural world, good, kind, safe, loving friends, water and music can be lifesavers, are essential in my humble opinion.
If you’ve ever taken a hallucinogenic drug, what was it like for you?
Q: What drug did you take and what did your drug trip involve?I want to hear some interesting ones, and I’ll choose the one I find MOST interesting, and you’ll get 10 points!ThanksThats not what I asked GreedyPig…If you haven’t done any, don’t come into this just to get your points..Greedy as a pig* sorry
A: Yes. Many, many times. In fact I just did three acid blotters last night. The trip is intense, in fact if it’s your first time I’d suggest you have an experienced tripper who remains sober throughout the duratation of your high to act as a “babysitter” of sorts in case you have a bad trip. It’s hard to speak of LSD in a general sense, as drugs do different things to different people, one person’s experience with a given dosage of the drug can be dramatically different than the next person who ingests the same dosage. In my personal experience with LSD the onset of the trip can take anywhere from 20 minutes-2 hours to fully kick in to reach the peak of the high. In all it usually last 7-12 hours. As for what really happens (to me personally), it’s usually a feeling of euphoria, a lot of increased energy, and an increase in associate and creative thinking. You really think differently when on this sort of drug, it is very difficult to fully explain what I mean here to a person who has had no such experience with the drug, as it’s really something you have to experience for yourself. You just view the world differently, you precieve things differently, it open the gateway in your mind and lets you expand your consciousness. You get a great mood lift, and you can hardly help but to be happy and giggly. You really feel at peace with nature and nature and all other people, it’s a great, great way to feel. Of course, the hallucinations… you experience both open and closed eye visual halluncinations, I can’t even begin to get into this to really describe what you see, but in my best effort to explain, you basically live within your own head. You become God of your mind, whatever you imagine, is there. I remeber having a trip, laying in my backyard with friends using my hands to flick on and off the sun. One second it’d be bright daylight, a flick of my hands, the moon would appear and it would be nighttime. Also, some people experience apparently life changing spirtual experiences, talk with God, idk, that’s never happened to me personally, but I have heard of it happening so I believe it is entirely possible for that to happen.Oh, and before I forget, you have an increased awareness of your senses, if that makes any sense. Your mind becomes very sensitive, I guess. This is especially true for taste, (eating and drinking) hearing, and smell. I’ve heard also of some people who actually get their senses “mixed up”, and “see music” and “taste color” and all that. I can’t really comment on that as it has never happened to me personally either. I have noticed that while on the drug it is very difficult to focus on pretty much anything, and you have a pretty short attention span. Also, unusual body sensations that aren’t really caused by anything. Chills, goosebumps, and you can feel your “body energy”. And of course, a change in your preception of time.Really, I stress again. If your really intrested, try the drug. No one can ever explain to you what it’s like better than your own personal experience._______________________________________To the person below me who said she smoked DMT with that effect, she probably got ripped off and did not get pure DMT crystals, or did not smoke it correctly. You usually sprinkle a little bit of the crystals over a fat bowl of marijuana. The reason I don’t believe she got pure DMT crystals was that DMT kicks your @SS! Just one hit will blow your mind out of this plane of existance, trust me.
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