Does ecstasy really make holes in your brain

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Ecstasy does not make holes in your brain. However, MRI tests have shown permanent brain damage in chronic users. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does ecstasy really make holes in your brain
Do ecstasy pills make a hole in your brain?
As far as I know, much of the evidence that was produced to show that ecstasy can “make holes in your brain” has since been discredited. I shan’t suggest that ecstasy is completely safe, but I feel that there is a lot of misinform…

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Does ecstasy really give you holes in your brain? 10 pts most helpful?
Q: I heard it gives you holes in your brain the size of the pill?? Don’t lecture me on Ecstacy please. I did it once in my hole life , 2 years ago . I just want to know if this is true. Thanks!
A: not technically. yes, it does give you holes, but not the way youre thinking of e.e is a completely man made drug called MDMA (longest word in the world so we’ll stick with just the abbrev.) it was first used as a anti-depressent, but banned by the UN. The problems with it are mainly going to be physical (i.e if you do it often you will become extremely depressed and that sort of thing. it depletes your brain of serotonin transporters which is pretty much a protien transporter stabalizing your body of some chemicals. meth, coke, and ex are all targeting this so its obviously going to cause permanent damage and if you do enough of it and long periods of time will become fatal. any drug that is completely man made is never good for you. you did it once, so you got nothing to worry about, if you made it a habit you are lookin for a lot of trouble emotionally and physically. It doesn’t make holes, it just kills small parts of your brain.
Does Ecstasy put holes in your brain?
Q: Is it just a urban legend or does Ecstacy really put holes in your brain?
A: Ecstasy-induced neurotoxicity is shown after 24 hours, although to a much lesser extent than that of methamphetamine or traumatic brain injury. Neurotoxicity is still evident after 72 hours. Furthermore, apoptosis of the liver is seen 72 hours after ecstasy use.Although I couldn’t find linkage to “holes in the brain” per se, I can’t imagine that having a toxic brain means there would be no damage to the brain at all. What it probably does is create spots in the brain where the neurotransmitters are killed (stop working) which makes it appear like holes on an MRI.Good luck to you.
does ecstasy make a hole in your brain?
Q: i use to love E, until somebody told that it makes a hole in your brain and will make u stupider. i knew that it was bad for u somehow, so i didn’t do it often, but does it atcually make a hole in ur brain?
A: Believe it or not a hole in your brain would kill you. Now if this person was speaking relatively then yes. Ecstasy can put some serious damage up there and cause some MAJOR permanent damage later in your life. Brain imaging research in humans indicates that Ecstasy causes injury to the brain, affecting neurons that use the chemical serotonin to communicate with other neurons. The serotonin system plays a direct role in regulating mood, aggression, sexual activity, sleep, and sensitivity to pain. Many of the side effects users face with Ecstasy use are similar to those found with the use of cocaine and amphetamines: Psychological Ecstasy side effects, including confusion, depression, sleep problems, drug craving, severe anxiety, and paranoia – during and sometimes weeks after taking Ecstasy. Physical Ecstasy side effects such as muscle tension, involuntary teeth clenching, nausea, blurred vision, rapid eye movement, faintness, and chills or sweating. Increases in heart rate and blood pressure, a special risk for people with circulatory or heart disease.Also, there is evidence that people who develop a rash that looks like acne after using Ecstasy may be risking severe side effects, including liver damage, if they continue to use the drug. Research links Ecstasy use to long-term damage to those parts of the brain critical to thought and memory. One study, in primates, showed that exposure to Ecstasy for 4 days caused brain damage that was evident 6 to 7 years later.In conclusion if you are looking for something to damage you later in life but have a good time now you can keep doing E. There are plenty of other things that are less damaging and can still bring the same feeling and fun do some research and find out just what exactly you are putting in your body before you do it. Good Luck!
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